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InnerVision Consultation
E mail:
Please email your complete E-Mail Address, date, time and place of birth.  If this is for a compatiblity report, please provide your partner's date, time and place of birth also. All orders will be processed within two (2) weeks of receipt of payment.
    Astrology can be considered the world's oldest celestial science.  Since the earliest times, watching the sky has been a part of man's life.  The seasonal changes were marked by the longest and shortest days (the solstices), and by the times when night and day were the same length (equinoxes), this became the simple calendar for hunting and planting.  Besides these practical routine cycles, the position or state of the sun and moon was noted at the time of significant events on earth.
     Through the centuries, Astrology has dealt with the charting and interpretation of the cycles and movements of celestial objects.   Through the use of computers, calculations that once took months for mathematicians to perform by hand can now be done in seconds, and the positions of planets can be computed to a hundredth of a degree. 
     Planets represent different cosmic forces that affect your basic character traits and your changing urges and needs. They provide the energies that drive your physical, emotional, mental, and intuitional systems. These planetary energies are modified by the planet's position in the zodiac, and by its relationships (aspects) to the other planets.
     The influences of these transpersonal planets will vary between Individuals, depending on how they relate to the other planets of the horoscope, and how they fall into a person's natal houses.

Natal Charts
Natal Charts can show the different life areas which is influenced by a particular planet.  The position and alignment of each planet on the day, time and place that you were born reflects how and where that life area is manifested in life. A Zodiac Wheel is included and serves as a visual chart of the planet positions on the day, time, and place where you were born.

Relationship Compatiblity Chart
When two people meet, their chances for a compatible relationship depend on how their basic needs and personality traits will combine in the give and take of social or business interactions. These can be determined by comparing a companion's horoscope with your own natal chart. 
    The Relationship Compatiblity Chart provides excellent insight 
into any partnerships and tells you how someone is likely to act in 
a relationship. 
     The Celestial Charts are very accurate and require the date,  time 
and place of birth.  If the exact location of birth is unknown you may state the nearest major location.  However, the date and time need to 
be as accurate as possible as the accuracy of the report is depenent upon the information provided.  The Compatiblity Chart requires the information for both you and your partner.