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redrose    InnerVision Consultation

Dianne in the office
       Yep, this is me. I am 5'5", light brown hair and blue eyes and....Oh My God--52 years old! Scorpion by nature I often appear intense and focused. And, despite the photo above, I do smile often. : )

My Hobbies & Interests.

In the past I have been a work-a-holic and have just recently been attempting to create a more interesting life for myself. My hobbies and interests include, but are not limited too, antiques, historical homes and restoration, astrology, and of course dancing. And, I love all music except rap. 
There are many things I would like to learn to do including snow skiing, white water rafting, and of course dancing. : )

My Online Life

My online life.....Wow what a trip! I have found that there is way too much emphasis on sex and too little emphasis on guality friendships.  We have an entire world at our fingertips and so many of us abuse and degrade the potentials.
For those of us looking for that ultimate love to come into our lives we must first build on friendships. Like the old adage "Build it, they will come."