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i think i might have had a serious moment
listen to this "logic"
when you love someone, you're constantly thinking about them, you're doodling their name everywhere, and when you're with them you're astoundingly happy.
when you hate someone, it's completely the opposite
so how is it possible to love someone you hate?
well, if you think. hating someone isn't always the opposite. in many ways it's the same
like, you do often have them on your mind
ya know
and it drives you crazy to think about them
and them, you may hate someone for something they did, but then...you can't help who you love, so it's more than possible to lve a person who has done something to you
see. that's why i need you
in rare cases of my "thoughtfulness"
like...say there's someone who hurt your friend really bad
and you can't stand them for it
and you burn everything they've every given you
...but, you still love them...
but then, when they're around you get a weird feeling. and you try to hide it because you are SUPPOSED to hate them
and then the love over powers
i dunno
yes, i know what you're saying
it's all crazy
it is

thanks meg ...

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