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Welcome to the Imagination Gardens guild webpage! The Imagination Gardens is a secretive place, filled with those seeking to use their minds. We welcome you to a guild filled with wonder and fun. Every activity you can dream of can come to be, so long as you can imagine it...

Donations to the guild ensure nicer prizes for contests and grander giveaways. This also betters your chance to move up in rank. No worries, I will keep track of any donations made. To donate items, send them to imaginationdonation. To donate neopoints, simply buy an item from imaginationdonation's shop. If you buy something from the shop for less than 500 please neomail imaginationdonation to let me know it was you! Thanks!

If you put our banner in your shop, you'll receive a codestone! Simply copy and paste the text in the box. You must neomail imaginationdonation and inform me that you did this to receive your prize. Also, you must be a member of this guild!

Basic trivia, word scrambles, riddles, quests, and raffles with prizes galore!

There will be a new word scramble soon. Guess the scrambled word above! Be the first to post the correct answer (it is Neopets related) on the message board and win a milk chocolate Elephante!

New trivia will be up soon. Very simple, just answer the trivia question and win some candy peas! Be the first to post the correct answer on the message board and they're yours. (This may involve some research as it is not always Neopets related.)

There will be a new riddle soon. Somewhat like the trivia question but a bit more poetic. The first member to post the correct answer on the message board wins a purple moehog plushie!

This week's raffle is over. Another raffle will be held soon. To purchase a ticket, buy a scotch egg for 1000 neopoints from ryoohkii's shop. For each ticket you purchase, your name is entered in the raffle. Therefore, the more tickets you buy, the higher your chance of winning becomes. The prize is 3/4 of the neopoints generated by the raffle. The remaining 1/4 goes to the treasury account.

There will be a new quest soon. A weekly quest! First member to find and send the quest item to imaginationdonation wins a random prize!

Donate your spare books, plushies, dubloons, map pieces or other items for awesome prizes!

Donate all your extra, unused books to imaginationdonation to win a prize! The prizes are divided into first, second, and third prizes which can be found under imaginationdonation's name at the trading post. Another book drive coming soon. This one has ended.

Once a week, a member may submit a wish (sent to imaginationdonation) for any item of desire! (One or two wishes are granted per week). Your wish is more likely to be granted if the item is reasonable and you are an active, participating member.

Once a week, a small newsletter about the guild or Neopets is issued for all the guild members' reading pleasure! Four articles will be selected each week from member submissions. Send your articles to imaginationdonation!

This week's article due date: UNDECIDED

Need a job? Apply here! The positions open are Doctor, Chef, and Librarian. Involves taking over an account and performing specific duties with little to no pay.

Doctor's duties are to stock shop with junk items for members to submit payment, stock safety deposit box with medicines, prescribe medicines to members in need, and keep track of members' weekly payments.

Chef's duties are to stock shop with junk items for members to submit payment, stock safety deposit box with foods, handle orders from members, and keep track of members' weekly payments.

Librarian's duties are to stock shop with junk items for members to submit payment, stock safety deposit box with books, handle requests from members, and keep track of members' weekly payments.

Send an application to imaginationdonation. Employees not performing their duties daily will be replaced. Members are required to donate a weekly 500 np to each the Doctor, Chef, and Librarian to receive benifits.

Current status on job openings: LIBRARIAN AND DOCTOR OPEN

Donate at least 500 neopoints per week to imaginationdonation and get your shop link posted here for other members to visit! Here are the shops of the generous members that donated this week!

Ryoohkii's Meow!

Paintedneggs's Paintbrush and Negg Gallery

Note: A week begins on a Monday at 12:00 a.m. NST time and ends the next Monday at 12:00 a.m. NST time.