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Welcome to the Jbop - JayBee's Online Portfolio!!!

Welcome to JBOP! this site serves the one purpose; to display my artwork and any other creative stuff I want! Some are good, some are not! Some may need some work, but all in all, this unique site will show you my progress as I work to eventually become an animator! I go to AI Washington in October, so wish me luck. In the meantime, look around, and give your thoughts. Make sure you: 1. Don't upload or copy, print or take any of my artwork without permission. [p]2. Please do not attempt to copy my work and pass it off as your own, or I will call forth the powers of Justice to vanquish you! The ONLY thing I will allow is if you use it for reference, and you must contact me at my email address. 3. please make any comments/suggestions concerning the work here, but say it as if you were saying it to a 5 year old, ok? no vulgarity, crude comments or spamming, etc... 4. understand that untill I decide to dpdate my site to gain more space, I will not be accepting fan art. If you send it, I will not pur it on the site, but I may look at it and offer some advice, if youll take it. That's all! The site is young, but there are already plans to place pics, origianl/ video game midis, and a Sonic Fan Fiction! stay tuned for the updates! 9/13/2004

What we got

Midi Section
Pics Section