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Sara's friends

Who do I go to for advice?

Hey everyone! It's me, Sara. I'm 14 years old, i've been in 4 musicals, and these are my friends: Raye, Tris, Kirsten, Alicia, Romina, Jessica, Holly, Umbriel, Tari, Kelsey, Greg, Amber, Shay, Caitlin, Jack, Emily, Audrey, Danielle, These are all my "brothers" from the last show i was in: Peter (Reuben), Greg (Simeon), Holly (Levi), Jess (Issachar), Josh (Asher), Romina (Dan), Sarah (Zebulun), Joanna (Gad), Emily (Judah), Joey (Benjamin), AND>..... TONY (Joseph) My most favoritest choir members: Mandy, Kelsey, Nicole, Hannah, Olivia, Tyler, Ari, Caroline, Cody, Abba, Kaleigh, Eileen, Emma, Taryn, ((thats all i can remember for now...If i forgot anyone, sorry!!)) My favorite Narrators!: Kirsten, Jenn, Christa, Danielle, My favorite....uh...Forget it! I cant remember anymore. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! And Greg, remember I love you (in a brotherly love sort of way) Dani, Grab Job Doughnut And Peter, Grab Job Doughnut to you too! Crazy Congo line outside of Elements!!! Benjamin Calypso...come on Greg, you can shimmy, I know you can!!! We go from mean, heartless losers, to mean heartless cowboys, to french whiners, to beggers, to hawaiian dancers to...happy! Nora, Eric You rock!! We all love you!! We are the happy Joseph Tribe!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!

My other sites:

Description of the Novel I'm writing,w/ RP boards
The one all about me.
My Charmed obsessy site
My other site
