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Written by Danielle

NOTE: This story was written b4 the series So Little Time first Aired.

Chloe (Ashley) and Riley's (Mary-Kate) room

Chloe Carlson rolls over to see the clock reading 6:45. She jumps up and runs to Riley's bed.

"Riley gets up we over slept!" Chloe says shaking her.

Riley sits up and looks at Chloe.

"It's Saturday Chloe." Riley states and puts her pillow over her head.

Chloe stands there speechless. She gets back in bed and closes her eyes.

Opening Credits...

We open up to a nice suburban home. Macy (mom) walks down the stairs leading to the kitchen to find Mannuelo (nanny, butler) cooking breakfast.

"Morning Mannuelo." Macy says sitting down to the coffee placed at her side of the table.

"Morning. Would you like some breakfast?" He says smiling. He wasn't being his usual stubborn self.

"Why are you so happy? And why are you making breakfast? What's going on?" Macy asks curiously.

Manneulo smiles.


Upstairs Bathroom

"Riley are you almost done? Dad's gonna be here any minute. You've been in there for over an hour. You never take this long to get dressed! "Chloe says angrily.

Riley opens the door. Chloe's mouth drops.

"What are you wearing?" Chloe asks trying not to laugh.

Riley's makeup looks like Mi Mi from Drew Carey. She's wearing a dirty pair of jeans and a colorful shirt ith sequences everywhere. Her shirt was half tucked in and half out. Her hair was knotty and she and two different shoes on. Riley smiled knowing she looked, well, ugly. But that was all part of her plan.

"You see Larry got a new job delivering the paper and you know he likes me, so I'm trying to turn him off."

Chloe burst out laughing.

"Well I think your plan will work." Chloe says as she enters the bathroom.

Riley gives her dirty look and heads down stairs.


"What do you mean my mother's coming! She doesn't know Jake and I are separated yet! How could you not tell me she's coming!?" Macy yells at Mannuelo.

"I'm sorry, but I forgot." Manneulo says.

"This is great just great! When is she coming?"Macy says.

"2pm." Manneulo whispers.



Jake Carlson walks up to the front door of his old home and rings the bell. Riley runs down the stairs hoping it's Larry. She opens the door to find her dad. He walks in.

"Hey honey. Don't you look beautiful today." he says trying not to laugh.

"Very funny. I'm trying to get someone to stop bothering me, so I'd figured I'll try to scare him off." Riley says.

"Would this someone happen to be Larry?" Jake asked.

Larry walks up to the opened door. He takes one look at Riley, drops the paper by the door and runs out yelling...

"Paper's on me Mr. Carlson!"

Riley smiles. "YES!"

Chloe comes downstairs. She's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue tee shirt titled 'Surfer Girl'. Macy comes running into the family room, grabs Jake by the arm and into the kitchen.

"So how did your plan go?" Chloe asked.

"Perfect." Riley said smiling.

"Come on I'll help you get that makeup off." Chloe said. The two head up to their room.



"What? That's ridiculous. I'm not pretending to be your husband this weekend. And You said you told your mother about the seperation. I mean when is the last time you saw her?" Jake says a angry.

"I haven't seen her for like ever. And plus you still legally are my husband. Please Jake. I mean what were you gonna do this weekend anyway? I'll do anything! Please!" Macy says begging like a two year old.

"Alright. But under one condition. By the end of this weekend tell her were separated and our marriage is at stakes."

"Deal." she said unsure.

The girls enter the kitchen. Riley has on jeans and an Old Navy tee- shirt.

"Ready to go dad?" Chloe asks.

"Change of plans girls. Dad is spending the weekend with us."

The girls look at each other confused.

"You see grandma is coming and your mother hasn't told her we're seperated so I have to pretend were still together and you two have to pretend were together, is that ok with you guys?" Jake explains.

"Why don't you just tell grandma?" Riley asks her mom.

"You see grandma, well she is a very hard person to talk to because when she hears something she doesn't want to hear, she won't listen."

"Why didn't you tell us yesterday she was coming?" Chloe asks.

Macy looks at Manneulo.

"I forgot!" he yells.

The door bell rings.

"Oh no! That's her. Remember dad lives here and we are still together."Macy says.

They all run to the door. They open it to see Grandma Jenny (played by the mother from Everybody loves Raymond).

"Grandma's here! She says sarcastically.

"I thought you were gonna pick me up at the airport Macy!" Jenny yells.

Chloe and Riley exchange looks.

"Now I remember why we didn't visit that much." Jake whispers to Macy. She elbows him.

"Mom you remember Chloe and Riley." Macy says.

"Hi grandma!" the girls say at the same time.

Grandma Jenny looks at them.

"Whoa now look at you two. If I'd known better I'd say you could pass as twins." Grandma Jenny says.

"Uh Jenny, they are twins." Jake says.

Riley and Chloe look at each other trying not to laugh.

"This woman's crazy." Chloe whispers.

"What was she drinking on that plane?" Riley said.

Chloe laughs.

"What was that ?" Grandma Jenny asks.

"I said I better check the drain." Riley says confused.

Macy looks at Josh. He puts his hands on the girls shoulders.

"Girls why don't you go show grandma Jenny her room." Jake says.

Riley and Chloe lead her up to her to the room.

"This is gonna be h....!" Jake starts.

"Don't say it! Or it might come true." Macy says.


Dinner Time

The Carlsons and Manneulo sit down to dinner. Jake at the head of the table on one side and Macy at the
ther just like old times. Chloe and Riley sat next to each other and Manneulo and Grandma Jenny on the other side.

"So do you girls do well in school?" Grandma Jenny asked.

"Most of the time." Riley jokes.

The Carlsons and Manneulo laugh but Grandma Jenny doesn't see the humor.

"So, Grandma Jenny how is things in New York?" Jake asked.

"Fine. Where's the bathroom?" She asks.

Manneulo guides Jenny to the restroom.

"May we be excused?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah we have... Well... We just have to go." Riley states.

"Sure." Jake says.

"No girls. Wait till after dinner. We have company." Macy says.

"What's the big deal Macy?" Jake asks.

Chloe looks at Riley. Both were thinking the same thing. Another fight.

"Go." Macy said.

Riley directs Chloe to the back door. They didn't want to be in that house while that woman called grandma was there. The girls headed for the beach, which was basically their backyard. It was the end of winter and the beach was empty, but that's how they liked it. Riley spotted Travis (Chloe's crush. Brandon Tyler).

"Hey sis, guess who's running down the beach."

Chloe turned around to find Travis running. He was probably practicing for track, but to her surprise he ran over to them.

"Hey Chloe. Hey Riley. What's up?" Travis asked.

"Nothing much. Our wacky grandmas in town and we had to get out of the house." Chloe said.

"Really. Is she that bad?" he asked.

"She just found out today that we were twins." Riley said.

They laugh.

"So what are you doing?" Chloe asked.

"I'm practicing for track." he says.

"Well I better get going or running. I have a track meet tomorrow. If you two aren't doing anything you should drop by the school and watch. The team could really use your support."

"Um sure, we'd love to go. What time?" Chloe asked.


"Hey wait a sec, is Larry gonna be there?" Riley asks.

Chloe smiles and puts her arm around Riley.

"My poor sister has Larry on her back. He has the biggest crush on her and she can't stand him."

Travis smiles. "Well I know for sure he won't be in the meet, but he might be handing out water." He says laughing.

"Well we'll ask our mom if we can go." Chloe says.

"Hope to see you there." he says smiling at Chloe.

He runs off. Riley turns to Chloe.

"Chloe I don't think mom or dad is gonna let us go with Grandma Jenny in town." Riley tells her.

"Riles, you worry too much. You came up with that great plan this morning. Don't you think we can pull this off?" Chloe asks.

"Honestly.... No." Riley says.


Night Time

Macy's Room

"Are you sure you don't mind sleeping on the floor?" Macy asks Jake.

"Yeah. I guess. You know I really think you should tell her. I mean what is she going to do yell?" Jake says.

"Well why don't you tell her?" Macy asks.

"She's your mother!" he yells.

Macy turns off the light.

"Goodnight Jake." she says sarcastically.

"Now doesn't that sarcastic voice sound familiar?" he says laughing.

Macy takes the pillow and throws it at him.


Chloe and Riley's room

"How are we going to get mom and dad to let us go tomorrow?" Chloe asks.

"What do you mean we? Who says I'm going." Riley says.

"Come on Riles, please. I'd do it for you. Were sisters? Twin sisters. Were supposed to help each other out." Chloe says.

"Doesn't mean we have to." Riley says.

Chloe gets up from her bed and sits on Riley's.

"What's really going on? Why are you upset?" Chloe asks.

"I'm not upset." Riley says.

"What's the matter?" Chloe asks again.

"I don't know. Mom and Dad talk bad about each other behind there backs and now that grandma shown up, hey act like were one whole big happy family, but once this weekends over, things will go back to normal." Riley says.

Chloe is silent for a moment. She doesn't know what to say because her sisters right. Just then there mom walks in.

"Girls. Your right. I'm idiot for not telling grandma and for asking your father for spending the weekend...."

"Mom your not an idiot. I just wish things were like this, that you and dad were back together." Riley says.

Macy sits down between Chloe and Riley she puts her arm around both girls and kisses them.

"I know you girls wish we were family again, but your father and I need a little break from each other. sometimes when your with someone to long, you start to grow apart...." Macy starts.

"That's right but we're still good friends and always there for each other and we trying to help our marriage."Jake says entering the room.

Macy looks up and smiles. She gives Jake a friendly hug.

"Thank-you for everything. For this weekend and these girls."

Chloe and Riley smile.

"Girls if your ever upset you can talk to your mom or me. When you feel low the best thing to do is talk." Jake says looking at Macy.

"I know. I know. I'll go tell my mother." Macy says leaving.

Jake kisses the girls and they get in bed. He leaves.

"Night Riles. Love ya." Chloe says.

"Night. Love you too." Riley says.


Macy walks into her mother's room. She is sleeping, but Macy wakes her up.

"Mom, get up I have to tell you something." Macy says.

"What the heck do you want? It's 12:00. Are you crazy." Jenny sits up.

"Mom Jake and I are... are..." Macy starts.

"What are you a pirate? Spit it out." Jenny says.

"Seperated." Macy manages to get out.

"Seperated?" Jenny says.

"For 6 months." Macy said.

"6 months, then what the heck is he doing in your bedroom? Get him out!" she yells.

Macy looks at her mom. She then tells her the whole story and why she didn't want to tell her.


Next morning

"Bye Grandma!" the girls say shutting the door.

"Well I guess I should be going to." Jake says.

"Thank you so much Jake." Macy said.

"Girls why don't I take you for ice cream?" Jake asked.

"Actually we were wondering if we could go to the track meet." Chloe asked.

"You girls don't like track." Macy said.

"Well we need to be there for team support." Riley said.

"Fine. Go head, but be back for dinner." Macy said.

The two run out the door.

"Why do you suppose they went to a track meet?" Jake asks Macy.

They both say at the same time. "A guy!" They smile and they picture fades away.


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