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Written by Danielle

Scene 1
Coffee hangout
8PM Saturday night

Leon and Chloe are seated at the table they had meant at. It was tradition. Leon would usually order a blueberry muffin for them to share, but he didn't tonight. Chloe started to talk about French class, but Leon wasn't paying much attention. In fact, he has been fidgety all night. He would start to say something, then stop. Finally, he interrupted her.

"Chloe." He said.

"Yeah?" she said smiling.

He took his hand that was holding hers, and moved it away.

"I think we should...." He said but was interrupted by Riley who had just entered.

"Hey guys." Riley said to Chloe and Leon. Chloe smiled, but Leon didn't. He almost got out what he was going to say, and he was interrupted, by Riley. Now it was going to be even harder.

"What are you doing here?" Chloe asked.

"I came with Larry, Camiy, and Jared (Riley's boyfriend). We just came from the movies and decided to get some hot chocolate." Riley said.

Larry, Camiy, and Jared enter. They say hi to Chloe and Leon. Jared puts his arm around Riley. She smiles at him. Chloe asks if they want to join them. Leon spoke up.

"No Chloe, I'm sure they don't want to be crammed at this table. Besides, I need to talk to you about something." He said getting a little angry.

Chloe perked up. Was he going to say those three little words? She wondered. She grabbed her jacket and left with Leon after saying goodbye to her sister and friends.

The four sat at a table and ordered their hot chocolate. Riley noticed something was up with Larry. He wasn't being his usual self. Camiy left to use the ladies room, and Jared went outside to call his mom. The cell lines were bad in the restaurant. When the hot chocolate came, Larry and Riley reached for the same one. His sleeve to his shirt went up a little, and Riley noticed this scratch. She gasped.

"What happened to your arm?" Riley asked.

Larry got a little embarrassed and didn't know what say.

"Oh. Nothing really. My cat scratched me." Larry said looking to see if Camiy was coming back. Riley pulled up his sleeve a little more and saw the scratch went from his wrist to where his arm bent.

"This doesn't look like a cat scratch to me." Riley said.

"Well it is so drop it." Larry said raising his voice a little. At this point Camiy enters. Larry quickly pulls his sleeve down. Larry turns to Camiy.

"Camiy it's time to go." He said.

"But we just got our hot coca." She said.

"We'll take it to go." Larry said pushing her towards the door. She looked at Riley who was as shocked as she was. When Camiy wasn't looking, Larry turned to Riley.

"Look, forget what you saw, and don't bring it up again, to anyone." He said leaving.

Riley didn't know what had just happened. She simply asked where Larry got the scratch from, now she wondered if it was more than she thought. Jared entered the table.

"Where's Larry?" he asked.

Riley looked up.


Scene 2
Life Guard Stand
9:15PM Saturday night

Leon and Chloe sat on the lifeguard stand under the stars. Leon got up and began pacing. Chloe watched him walk back and forth.

"Leon! Leon what are you doing?" She asked.

He turned away from Chloe and finally said.

"Chloe. I can't see you anymore." He said and turned towards her to see her reaction. She looked confused.

"I'm sorry. I must of heard you wrong. What did you say?" Chloe asked hoping for a different answer.

"We're breaking up." He said.

Chloe didn't say anything. She was trying to let what he had said sink in. Tears began to form in her eyes. He went to hug her, but she pushed away.

"You're breaking up with me?" she asked.

"Yes." He said guilty.

"You're breaking up with me?" she asked again in shock.

"Chloe look it isn't you, it's me. I can't exactly tell you the reason, but after tonight, I don't think we should talk anymore." He said not making sense. Leon was always the mature gentleman type. Why was he saying all this? Chloe still in shock said.

"You're breaking up with me?"


Scene 3
Chloe and Riley's room
10PM Saturday night

Riley had just gotten home. She went in her room and laid on her bed to think. She looked over to Chloe's bed. Chloe wasn't there. At least she had a good night. Riley thought. What was Riley going to do about Larry? Why did he get so upset with her? Before she could answer these questions, her mom walked in.

"Riles, where's Chloe? I wanted her home at 9:30." Macy said.

"She's probably still out with Leon. I saw them at the coffee house a hour ago, and then they left. But I don't know where. Want me to call his cell phone?" she asked.

Macy nodded and sat on Riley's bed with her. Riley dialed Leon's number.

"Hello?" he said.

"Leon. It's Riley. Is Chloe with you?" she asked.

"No. I hadn't seen her since 9. I was last with her at the lifeguard stand. " Maybe she's still there." He said.

Riley looked confused.

"Thanks. Bye." She said hanging up. She turned to her mother.

"He said, she might be at the lifeguard stand. That's where they were last" Riley said wondering why Chloe would be there. "I'll go get her." Riley said getting up.

"Be careful." Macy said as she left. Macy didn't mind that Riley went to get her sister because the lifeguard stand was practically in their backyard.


Scene 4
Lifeguard stand
10:13 Pm Saturday night

Riley walked up to the lifeguard stand to find Chloe in the corner cryin. She sat next to her and put her arm around Chloe sisterly.

"Chloe. Chloe what's wrong? What happened?" she asked.

"You're breaking up with me?" Chloe repeated.

"What?" Riley asked confused.

Chloe looks at Riley.

"Oh. Hi." She said innocently, just realizing Riley was there.

"Are you okay?" Riley asked a little more concerned.

"He broke up with me. For no reason what so ever. He dumped me." Chloe said.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry Chloe. Well, if he can't realize what a great person you are, it's his loss, not yours." Riley said trying to cheer her up.

"But we've been going out for 5 months, and we've become so close, and he just breaks up with me like that, no explanation?" she said.

"Well maybe you should try to call him tomorrow. See what's up." Riley said.

"I can't call him." Chloe said.

"Why not?" Riley asked.

" Because. That's not how it goes." Chloe said.

Riley grinned.


Scene 5
Chloe and Riley's bedroom
The next day (Sunday)

Riley walked in to find Chloe ripping up pictures and throwing them away. Riley walks over to her.

"Chloe what are you doing?" she asked.

"Throwing away all the pictures of Leon I have. I don't want to see his face any longer." She said.

Riley walked over to the poster size picture of Leon on her wall and pointed to it.

"That's next." Chloe said. Riley sat on her bed and picked up a magazine, but didn't read it. She started to think about Larry again. Chloe looked over to Riley.

"What's the matter with you?" Chloe asked.

Riley got out of her daze. "Oh. Nothing. Just thinking." Riley said looking at the ceiling.

Chloe looked up. "Think we need a new paint job?" Chloe asked smiling.

Riley laughed and sat up.

"Well." She said starting to tell Chloe what she saw, then stopped. Larry told her not to tell anyone. "I can't tell you." She said.

"But we tell each other everything. Is it a guy problem!?" Chloe asked. After this break-up with Leon, she was very harsh towards guys and thought they were liars and jerks.

"Well sort-of." Riley said.

"You have to give me more than that Riles." Chloe said.

Riley stood up. "Look. I'll tell you, but not now." She got up and went downstairs. Chloe went back to ripping up her pictures.


Scene 6
Family room

Macy and Tedi were in the family room trying on her spring line. Riley walks down the stairs and grabs her coat off the rack.

"Where are you going?" Macy asked.

"The coffee house. I'm going to meet Jared there." Riley said opening the door.

"Excuse me miss. So if I wasn't standing here asking where you were going, you would have just left. That's not how things work Riley. And you know that. I need the who? What? Where? When? When my girls go out. And I believe you need permission." Macy said with her hand on her hip.

"Sorry mom. May I go meet Jared at the coffee house?" Riley asked.

" Yes you may. But, I want you home at 5 for dinner." Macy said hugging Riley. Riley exits. Chloe runs down the steps.

"Mom? Where are the matches?" Chloe asked.

Macy looks up.

"What? What do you need matches for?" Macy asked.

"I want to burn Leon, or pictures of him anyway." Chloe said coming into the family room. Macy walks up to Chloe and hugs her.

"Oh. Honey. I know you must have a broken heart." Macy started.

"No. It's past broken." Chloe interrupted. "Now it's on for revenge." Chloe said smiling.

(Audience laughs)


Scene 7
Coffee House
Sunday 3PM

Riley walks into the coffee house and sees Jared. She sits down at the table.

"So. What's up?" Riley asked.

"Nothing really. You?" he asked.But before she could answer, Camiy walked up to the table.

"hey guys." She said.

"Hey. Where's Larry?" Jared asked.

"Well I called him. We were suppose to come here. But his dad answered and said he had just ran into a door and got a black eye. I asked to speak to him, but his dad said he was laying down." Camiy said.

"He ran into a door?" Riley asked worried and confused.

"What a goofball!" Jared said.

Riley got nervous and knew Larry wasn't that clumsy. She had to see him. She had to talk to him. Riley got up.

"Where are you going?" Jared asked.

"Home. I promised my mom I would be home 5 minutes ago." Riley said uneasy and started towards the door.

"But you just got here." Jared said.

Riley waved her hand and left. Not for home though, for Larry's'.


Scene 8
Chloe and Riley's bedroom

Chloe was in her room officially depressed. It was Sunday night almost, and tomorrow was school. Chloe enjoyed school, but she wouldn't tomorrow. She would have to see Lennon. 'I have to find a way to convince mom in letting me stay home tomorrow.' Chloe thought. She flicked through the channels on TV, while lying on her bed. Time passes by. The phone on Chloe's nightstand rings and she picks it up."Hello?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe? It's me, Lennon. Can we talk?" he asked innocently.

"Talk!?" Chloe asked in an irritated voice. "I gave you a chance to explain and you ran off. If you don't want to see me anymore fine!" she yelled and hung up. She took her remote, turned off the TV, and threw it. She then cried into her pillow wondering why life was so rough.


Scene 9
Larry's house

Riley slowly walked up to Larry's house. She hadn't been there since Larry's parents split. She noticed the outside has changed a lot. Larry's mom use to have this beautiful shrubbery and a rose garden. It was all dead now. When Riley got to the door, she was trying to decide if she should ring the bell or not. As she was about to turn away, he door opened, and Larry's father appeared. She turned back around.

"Hey Mr. Slotnick. Is Larry around?" she asked nervously.

"Larry isn't feeling well." He said serious as can be.

"I know. But..." she said but Mr. Slotnick cut her off.

"What do you mean I know?" He asked.

"Well I mean... Well you know... I..." she said.

"I think you better leave!" he shouted. Just then, Larry walked down the stairs and Riley immediately noticed his black eye. She pushed past Mr. Slotnick and hugged Larry.

"Larry Are you okay?" she asked caring. Then she looked at Mr. Slotnick.

"How could you do this? He is your son." Riley said mad.

Larry's dad got furious.

"What did you tell her Larry?" He screamed.

Riley got a little nervous.

"Nothing dad. Really nothing." He said scared.

Larry's dad moved closer to Larry and Riley stepped in between them. His dad got insane.

"Leave him alone!" Riley said.

At this point Mr. Slotnick was furious.

"Don't you tell me how to raise my kid you brat!" Mr. Slotnick yelled as he pushed Riley. He was much bigger than Riley so his strength pushed her so hard, she flew into the wall, bounced off that and hit into the side of a chair causing her eye to be hit. Shocked by what had happened, Riley sat there a moment. Then the pain hit her, making her eye swell up and water. She held her eye and began to cry. 'How did this happen' she thought. Larry ran over to her and knelt down. He pulled her close she cried. Mr. Slotnick, shocked at what had happened also, knew he would be in big trouble if Riley told what hade happened. Riley stood up scared. Her left eye was hit so hard, she could barley open it. With one last look at Larry, he headed towards the door, which was blocked by Mr. Slotnick.

"Listen, if you tell anyone. I mean anyone what has happened, you can count that Lar here won't be able to make it to school for a while. Got it?" he said.

Riley looked at Larry. She couldn't believe how could someone be so mean, evil, and cruel. She nodded her head to what he said and opened the door.

"Remember Riley! NO ONE!" he yelled after her.

Riley looked at her watch. She was major late. She ran towards home thinking what she would tell her parents.


Scene 10
Family room

Macy nervously paces the house while waiting for Riley's return. Chloe enters down the stairs.

"Hey mom? Where is everyone?" Chloe asked.

"Manny went to dad's for a card game and Riley hasn't gotten home yet. Do you know where she could be? Macy asked.

"Didn't she mention the coffee house? Oh and mom, I was thinking you know maybe I could stay home tomorrow?" Chloe said.

Macy lost her patience.

"No." Macy said looking at her watch.

"Please mom. I need a day of rest and I can't see Lennon tomorrow." Chloe said begging.

"Can we talk about this later? I'm going to go down there and see if she's there. You wait here and if she returns, call me on my cell phone." Macy said exiting out the kitchen door.

Chloe sat down on the couch. 'Should I call Lennon back?' she thought. Just then, Riley enters. Chloe notices Riley holding her left eye.

"Why are you holding your eye?" Chloe asked.

"Is mom or Manny home?" Riley whispered.

"No. Mom is out looking for you. She was mad." Chloe said. Riley sat down next to Chloe still holding her eye.

"Where were you?" Chloe asked staring at the TV.

"Um... With... with Jared." Riley lied.

Chloe looked at Riley strangely.

"Are you going to take your hand off your eye?" Chloe asked.

"It's resting there." Riley said.

Chloe got impatient. She tried to remove Riley's hand.

"Chloe no!" Riley shouted.

" What's wrong with you?" Chloe yelled trying to see Riley's eye. She got Riley's hand down and saw it. Saw that huge black eye. Chloe's mouth dropped.

"What Happened? Are you okay? Who did this? Was it Jared? Was it? I knew I couldn't trust him. Riley guys are idiots and pigs." Chloe said still angry about the whole Lennon thing.

"No! Jared didn't punch me!" Riley yelled. "Someone opened the door when I was leaving the coffee house and I wasn't paying attention, so it hit me." Riley assured her.

"And it took you an hour to get home? I don't think so." Chloe said. She went in the kitchen and got an ice pack. She gave it to Riley.

"Here put this on your eye. I'll call mom and let her know you're home." Chloe said picking up the phone. Riley grabbed it from here and hung it up.

"No you can't call mom. I don't want her to see this!" Riley yelled.

Chloe looked confused, but before she could respond, Macy walked in. She spotted Riley's eye.

"Oh my god! What happened?" Macy said.


Scene 11
Chloe and Riley's bedroom
Sunday night 8:00

Riley layed in her bed in pain. Her eye swelled up tremendously. Macy wanted to take her to the hospital, but Riley insisted not to. She didn't want to have to explain. Macy bought the 'being hit with a door' story, but Chloe didn't. Macy brought a hot towel in and put it over Riley's left eye.

"Here you go honey. This should help with the pain. Is it still watering?" She asked.

" A little. Do you think I'll be able to open it soon?" Riley asked.

"Well if not, I'm taking you to the doctors." Macy said pulling Riley's blanket up in Riley. She kissed her goodnight then kissed Chloe and left. Chloe turned on the phone to call Lennon, then turned it off. She repeated this several times. Riley turned to Chloe.

"Chloe. Could you please decide whether or not you're going to call him. That beep is giving me a head-ache." Riley said. Chloe switched the phone off and shut off the lights. In silence, they watched the new episode of Friends, and eventually fell asleep. Riley didn't want to go to school tomorrow, She was afraid. Afraid to see what Larry was going to look like, or if he would even be there. She wondered if she should tell someone about Mr. Slotnoick.


Scene 12
Monday morning 7:02

Macy is in the kitchen sipping her coffee while Mannuelo is ironing. Jake walks in, says hi while grabbing a cup of coffee, and sits next to Macy.

"How is Riley?" he asked.

"Her eye is still a little bruised, but the swelling went down. I told her she could stay home, but she insisted on going." Macy said.

"And Chloe?" Jake asked.

"She has been begging since 6 o'clock to stay home." Macy said giggling.

"So why don't you let her stay home. I mean the poor kid was dumb..." Jake started.

"Shhhhh!" Manny and Macy said at the same time.

"Sorry." Jake whispered.


Scene 12
Chloe and Riley's room
7:04 Am Monday morning

Riley was applying cover up to her black eye to hide the bruise as Chloe was looking for something to wear while venting.

"I can't believe mom is making me go to school. You didn't have to go if you didn't want to." Chloe said stubbornly.

"I couldn't open my eye." Riley stated.

Chloe looked at her.

"Speaking of staying home... Why aren't you? You have the opportunity, why aren't you taking it?" Chloe asked.

" I just want to go okay. Is it a crime?" Riley asked.

Chloe picked up a pair of jeans and belt. Then she found a top and walked over to Riley.

" I think you're not telling everyone the real reason behind your black eye." Chloe said opening their door.

Riley got mad.

"Shut-up! It's none of your business. Why do care. You know what. We have it easy Chloe! So what if mom is making go to school! At least she doesn't hurt us or hit us!" She yelled.

Chloe shut the door. She led Riley to her bed and the two sat down. Chloe looked at Riley.

"Riley where is this coming from?" Chloe asked worried.

Riley didn't answer. She stared at the floor.

"Riley. Did someone give you that black eye?" Chloe asked.

Riley didn't answer again. Chloe turned Riley's head so she was looking Chloe in the eye.

"There wasn't a door, was there?" Chloe said.

Riley gave up. Tears formed in her eyes, as she shook her head no.

"Who gave you that black eye?" Chloe said standing up. "Because whoever did, is gonna have to deal with Chloe Carlson!" She yelled.

Riley looked at Chloe and kind-of laughed. She could picture Chloe beating up Mr. Slotnick. Chloe asked Riley again.

"Riley. Who hit you?" Chloe said.

Riley looked up at Chloe.

"I can't tell you." Riley said.

"Why not?" Chloe asked.

"Because... Because the person who hit me said they would hurt my friend, if I told on him." Riley said realizing she said him and covered her mouth.

Chloe got mad.

"A guy hit you?! Who!!!" Chloe yelled.

"No one!" Riley yelled.

Chloe knelt down in front of Riley who was crying hysterical. She grabbed Riley's hands that were covering her face and asked once again who.

Riley decided to tell Chloe.

"Larry's dad." She managed to get out.

Chloe let go of Riley's hands and stood up. She began pacing and thinking as Riley cried.

'Oh no. This is big. Bigger than I can handle. I have to tell mom and dad.' Chloe thought. She looked at Riley. Riley stood up and Chloe hugged her as she cried. Chloe felt mixed emotions. She felt mad at Mr. Slotnick, sorry for Larry, sorry she was so mean to her mom, and upset that Riley was almost hyperventilating. She had to tell her parents.


Scene 13
7:10 Am

Macy and Jake were sitting at the table having a serious talk about their relationship.

"Jake, I think you should move back home." Macy said plain and simple.

Jake laughed nervously and excited.

"Move back home? Macy we just started dating." Jake said.

"Jake, honey, we're married." Macy said holding his hand. Jake smiled. "I mean we both have decided not to date anyone and we've seemed to work out our problems. Why don't we give it a shot?" Macy asked.

"Well, okay." Jake said kissing her.

Manneulo walked in.

"This is the happiest day of my life!" he said.

Jake and Macy laughed. Chloe walks in the kitchen wiping away her tears. Riley comes running down the stairs after her, grabbing Chloe's sleeve to stop her.

"No! Chloe don't!" Riley yelled.

Macy and Jake looked at the girls.

"What's going on?" Macy asked.

"Riley didn't get that black eye from a door!" Chloe said while trying to push Riley away. Riley tried to cover her mouth, but she couldn't.

"What?" Jake asked in shock.

"MR. Slotnick, Larry's dad pushed her into a chair. He abuses Larry and hit Riley!" Chloe yelled.

Riley dropped to the ground and cried. Her secret was out. Macy and Jake both knelt to the ground and pulled Riley close to them as she sobbed. Manny hugged Chloe.

"Riley it's okay. Riley calm down. You're starting to worry me." Macy said. Riley's sobs became harder and so did her breathing. She began to have like a panic attack and passed out on the floor.

"Oh my god! Riley? Riley?" Macy screamed shaking her.

"Don't!" Jake yelled. He checked to see if she was breathing and she was. He lifted her into the air. "Let's go. We're going to the hospital." He said trying to be calm for his family, but really, he was a worried wreck. Manny comforted Macy and Chloe, as they cried.


Scene 14
Hospital (Riley's room)
8:30 AM

The Carlson family surrounded Riley's bed waiting for her to wake up. Chloe got her wish about not going to school, and so did Riley, but this isn't how they exactly planned it. Riley had an IV hooked up to her and the breathing tube on her nose. The family was getting fidgety, they couldn't wait any longer. Macy tried to read a Magazine, and Mannuelo tried to watch Regis on TV. Chloe sat in her father's lap and slept into his shoulder. He kissed her on the forehead and took Macy's hand. He smiled at her to comfort her and she gave him a worry look. Finally, Riley started to moan in her sleep. Everyone looked at her and Manny called the doctor in. Riley opened her eyes and looked at her family.

"I feel dizzy." She said.

Macy stroked her hair motherly. "Honey. Do you remember what happened?" Macy asked.

Before Riley could answer, the doctor came in. He smiled at the family.

"Good news. Riley had only a small panic attack. She should be fine, but we want to keep her overnight, just to keep an eye on her. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson and uh Manny, can I see you outside for a sec?" he asked. They followed him out. Chloe sat on Riley's bed with her. She gave her a hug.

"Riles I'm sorry I blabbed on you, but I was trying to help. Do you forgive me?" Chloe asked.

Riley smiled.

"Of course. I'm actually kind of glad you did. Hopefully mom and dad will help Larry's dad some help." Riley said.

Chloe looked at her sister.


Scene 15
Hospital hallway

The doctor and the Carlson's stood outside the hallway. Dr. Martin looked at them all.

"What's the problem Dr.?" Jake asked.

"Where did Riley get the black eye?" he asked.

Macy, Jake and Manny explained the whole thing.


Scene 16
Larry's house

Cops surround Larry's house. Jake rode with the officer to his house to help. The police officer knocked on Larry's door. Mr. Slotnick opened up. He looked scared and mad.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He asked noticing Jake in the police car. "What did he tell you? What ever he did, isn't true!" he yelled pointing at Jake.

Jake got out of the car and slowly walked up to the house. The officer spoke.

"Mr. Slotnick you have the right to remain silent. You are under arrest for abusing your child and hurting Mr. Carlson's daughter, Riley Carlson. Anything you say or do will be held against you in the court room." He said putting handcuffs around his hands.

"What proof do you have that I abuse my kid?" he asked.

At this point Larry walked to the door to see what was going on.

"Larry!" Jake said shocked at his bruises. Jake hugged Larry. Larry started to cry. Not because his dad was being arrested, but because he would finally not be abused. Jake comforted Larry. After all, he saw him so much, he was like the son he never had.

"Come on Lar, let's go back to the hospital. We'll get you cleaned up. And you can go see Chloe and Riley." Jake said patting him on the back.

Larry watched his father being put in the patrol car. The officer phoned Larry's mom in Nevada. She said she would come right away.


Scene 17
Riley's hospital room

Chloe walks in Riley's room and sits on her bed with her. Riley looks very tired from the medication the doctors put her on.

"Riley if you want to sleep, I'll leave so you can rest." Chloe said.

Riley put her hand up.

"No. Please don't leave Chloe. Will you sit with me?" Riley asked.

Chloe smiled. Even though their twins, Chloe protected Riley like she was the older sister.

"Sure. I'll stay with you." Chloe said.

Riley rested her head on Chloe's shoulder and eventually fell asleep on her. At this point Macy and Manny walk in. They smile.

"I just got off the phone with dad. He and Larry are on their way over." Macy said in a whisper, so she wouldn't wake Riley.

"Did they arrest Mr. Slotnick?" Chloe asked.

"For now." Mannuelo said. "Eventually, he will be put in a program for abusers." Manny said.

Chloe nodded.


Scene 18
Riley and Larry's hospital room

Larry was put in the same room as Riley. They were both to be kept over night. It was now 6PM. Larry and Riley put their hospital beds together so Chloe, Riley, and him could all hang together. They were all friends, and wanted to be together. The three of them were playing Scrabble. Jake and Manny went to the nearest Mc Donald's, to get the kids fries and milk shakes. Macy went home to get the girls pjs and their other 'must have' items. Chloe decided to spend the night at the hospital to keep Larry and Riley Company. Larry put his word down.

"Ella?" Riley asked. "Ella isn't a word." Riley stated.

"It is in Spanish." Larry laughed. Chloe and Riley laughed too. All of a sudden, Lennon walks in with a bouquet of Roses and a box of Chocolate. Chloe looks up.

"Lennon!" She said excited.

"Hey Lennon." Riley said.

Larry smiled. "Hey man." He said.

"Hey guys. I heard you had a pretty rough night." He said. Lennon handed Riley the bouquet of roses and kissed her on the cheek.

"These are for you." he said. "I hope you get better real soon." He said.

Riley smiled. "Wow. Thanks Lennon. Their beautiful." She said.

Chloe smiled. 'What a nice guy. That was so sweet of him.' She thought.

Lennon handed the box of chocolates to Larry. He gave him a handshake. Larry smiled.

"Thanks. But where's my kiss?" he said joking.

Lennon laughed. Chloe got up and walked into the hallway with Lennon. To Chloe's surprise, he kissed her.

"And that my dear is for you." He said smiling.

Chloe smiled and hugged him. He took her hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Chloe I was a real jerk to you. I should have given you a reason for when I broke up with you, but I was too upset." He said.

"Well. Why did you break up with me?" Chloe asked.

"My dad just recently told me we were moving again. I was so upset, and I didn't want to hurt you, but, here's the good news. My dad realized how good I'm doing here, and decided to stay." He said.

Chloe smiled with joy and relief. She had her boyfriend back. She hugged him.

"Well can you stay a while?" Chloe asked.

"I can't. See the one promise I made to my dad is, if we stay, I had to get a job. I'm on break now, but I have to get back." He said smiling.

Chloe laughed.


Scene 19
Riley and Larry's hospital room

Riley and Larry had a lot of visitors that night, including Camiy and Jared. But to Larry's shock, he had a surprise visit.

"Mom!" he said getting up to hug her.

"Oh Larry. I've missed you so much" she said. You see, when Larry's mom and dad got a divorce, she wasn't allowed to see Larry because his dad made up stuff about her so the court would give him custody, but now it all had changed. Mrs. Slotnick told Larry she was moving back home.

So, everything was turning out great for the Carlson's and Slotnick's. Macy and Jake decided to tell Riley and Chloe the good news.

"Girls. Dad is moving back in." Macy said smiling.

They hugged their parents and were extremely happy. The doctor walks in.

"Hello everyone. Um. I hate to ruin your party, but Larry and Riley really need to rest. I don't want to see their blood pressure going up." He said.

"Say no more doctor." Manneulo said.


Scene 20
Hospital room

Jake and Manny said goodnight to the girls and walked Mrs. Slotnick to her car. Macy sat on Riley's bed and brushed the hair out of her face.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay honey?" Macy asked.

"No. I'll be fine mom. Besides I have Chloe if I need anything." Riley

Macy kissed her. "well I love you." She said.

"I love you to." Riley said.

Macy said goodnight to Chloe. Macy stopped at the door on her way out and looked a Chloe and Riley half asleep. She smiled.

'I don't understand how anyone could hurt their child.' Macy thought. With that, she left for home. The scene fades out on Chloe and Riley who are cuddled up next to each other dreaming about a world of peace.

The End.

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