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Water is a tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless (it has a slight hint of blue) substance in its pure form that is essential to all known forms of life and is known also as the most universal solvent.

Water is an abundant substance on Earth. It exists in many places and forms: mostly in the oceans and polar ice caps, but also as clouds, rain water, rivers, freshwater aquifers, and sea ice. On the planet, water is continuously moving through the cycle involving evaporation, precipitation, and runoff to the sea.

Water that humans consume is called potable water. This natural resource is becoming more scarce in certain places as human population in those places increases, and its availability is a major social and economic concern.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)

from Our World of Water

Culver Company, Inc.
Written by Cybrary Man

Water Quality, Conservation and Resources
Drinking Water, Kids Stuff (EPA)
Project WET (Water Education for Teachers)
Groundwater (Groundwater Foundation)
Water Recycling and Reuse

Louisville Water Company Funzone
Water Science for Schools
Water Conservation Tips
USGS--Water Resources of the United States
Water on the Web Curricula Basic Science

Water Tips, Projects...
Water Saver Home - H2ouse
Urban Water Conservation Tips
Foundation for Water and Energy Education
Get Wise! - Living Water Energy

Water Cycle and other Water Links
The Water Cycle
Water Cycle Song - ProTeacher

Water Cycle - Teacher Planet
The Water Cycle (Kidzone)
Thirstin's Water Cycle Adventure - EPA
Droplet and the Water Cycle
An Introduction to the Water Cycle
The Water Cycle, from USGS Water Science Basics. Diagram
Water Cycle Beaded Bracelet
Bouyancy Archimedes Principle
EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water

Guide to seashells, sealife...
Rip Currents Safety NWS Weather Services

Ocean Theme Unit Lesson Plans

Ocean Theme Craft Ideas

Ocean Animals Coloring Pages for Toddlers, Preschool and Kindergarten

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
National Oceanic and Atmoshperic Administration
USGS: Coastal and Marine Geology
Dive and Discover: Expeditions to the Seafloor
Birch Aquarium
International Year of the Ocean
Savage Seas
Sea Web
Voyage to the Deep
Women Exploring the Oceans
National Ocean Service (NOAA)
Oceans Field Trip
Ocean Planet - Marine Life Facts
Oceans Alive
The Virtual Ocean
Ocean Channel
Ocean of Know
Oceans and Law of the Sea
Ocean Planet Interdisciplinary Marine Science Activities
Planet Ocean

NRDC Consumer Guide to Water Filters

Photographs by Cybrary Man

Explore a 3-D model of water molecules

Water Science Glossary

Water Glossary

Drinking Water Glossary

The Intelligent Use of Water Education - Rain Bird

Common Water Measurements

The All-Star River Explorers - Discover the Basics of Rivers and How They Are Formed

Rivers Links

Secrets @ Sea!

Underwater Flyby

Salt Marshes Field Trip

Tide Pools Links


Wetlands Links

Coastal Water Temperature Guide

Dam Design

Glaciers Links

Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls NY-Niagara Falls Panorama - Full Screen

Water Links

Ocean Link

Ocean Explorer

Oceanography (Office of Naval Research)

The Remarkable Ocean World

Ocean World

NOAA Photo Library: The National Undersea Research Program (NURP)

An Introduction to Coral Reefs
Reef Base: A Global Information System on Coral Reefs

How much of your state is wet?

International Year of Freshwater

Whale Net

Freshwater Ecosystems

Safe Water for Kids

Water-Related Injuries (CDC)