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Tips for Student Teachers

Re: Student Teacher - I am the hosting teacher
Posted by Karma on 12/19/06

I have picked up a few tips over the years. Here are a few that work for me.

1. Find a place that your student teacher can call their own. A place to write, keep their stuff, and put their purse.

2. I give the student teacher a list of student's names, schedules, and routines and procedures I follow. I also give her/him a copy of my behavior plan.

3. I give my student teacher a journal. I ask the s.t. to write down any thoughts or questions that may come up while I am teaching that I can answer for them later. I also write in the journal telling them skills or teaching strategies that I will focus on during a lesson, or day of teaching, so they can observe my techniques. For example I may write; "Today watch how I transition between subjects" or "Today watch how I keep the children's attention during a lesson."

4. State your expectations of your student teacher up front. If you want them monitoring during independent work, let them know. Don't make them guess what you are thinking.

5. If you have one or two main pet peeves, let them in on the secret. (Mine are not returning things where they got them and not being prepared).

6. Give them a calendar of lessons they will be teaching. I usually start off with a week of observation and focus on skills. They know what subject or class they will be teaching first and will know to pay close attention as I model those lessons for them. I usually let them pick up transitions (restroom, recess, lunchroom) the second week. I then add subjects the third week of student teaching.

7. As with our own students, I found that when talking to them about how they are doing, always give them a positive first and last. Give them what to work on, in the middle of your conversation.

8. Have them write a letter of introduction to your classroom parents.

I hope these ideas help. They have worked for me, and so far I have had some great student teachers!