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Statistics is a type of data analysis which practice includes the planning, summarizing, and interpreting of observations of a system possibly followed by predicting or forecasting of future events based on a mathematical model of the system being observed. Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics specifically in the area of statistical theory which uses probability theory in the mathematical models. The basic tenet of statistics is that a population can be represented by a sample of the population when the sample is sufficiently large and when the sample is composed of a random selection of units (persons, components, or of whatever the population is composed) from the population. Statistical theory provides methods for determining how large a sample is needed to provide for statistically significant results.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)
Give your students the data from the census tracts of the school you teach at. Or have them find the census tracts. Have them do a statistical analysis and show them that the numbers that they are working with are for their family and neighbors.
National Vital Statistics System

Statisticians in History

Child Stats

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Statistics on the Web

Introduction to Descriptive Statistics

Animated Statistics Demonstrations

Statistics Tutorial

SISA: Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis

Index of On-line Stats Calculators

Using Statistics

Lesson Plans for Statistics (Lesson Planet)

Math Forum Prob-Stat Lesson Plans

Probability and Statistics Lesson Plans

Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE)

Statistical Sites on the World Wide Web

Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
U.S. Census Bureau


Census Briefs
U.S. Census Bureau

Exploring Data - Introductory Statistics

Worldometeres - real time world statistics

Nation Masters

United States - Facts and Statistics (Reference)


Population Reference Bureau (PRB)

Bureau of Labor Statistics

CIESIN (...Earth Science Information Network) U.S. Demographics

Data on the Internet
Economic Policy Institute (EPI) DataZone
Finding Data on the Internet
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Statistical Resources: Health

Uniform Crime Reports (FBI)

Statistical Briefing Book
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)