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Quotation of the Day

Political and Historical Quotations

A short Dictionary of Scientific Quotations

Famous Quotations

Mathematical Quotations Server

Movie Quotes

Quotation Guide (Annabelle's)

Love Poems And Quotes - Romantic Love Poetry

Brainy Quote

AskOxford Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotations


Motivational Sayings

Goal Setting Guide

Motivational Sayings Overcoming Failure

Motivational Quotations

Motivational Sayings

A quotation is a fragment of a human expression that is inserted into another human expression. It is most often a written or oral fragment and in such cases it is also called a quote. This latter type of quotation is almost always taken from literature, though speech transcripts, film dialogues, and song lyrics are also common and valid sources.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
Quote DB - The Quotations Database

Quotations Search

Quotations and Proverbs Search Fagan Finder

ThinkExist: Find famous quotes

The Quotations Page

Cliché Finder

Creative Quotations

Dictionary of Quotations

Library Spot Quotations

Literary Quotations

Quotations Archive

Quotable Women - An Archive: Memorable Quotes by Women


Quote World

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Yahoo! Reference: Quotations