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Playing By Heart Backgrounds

I found a bunch of pics from this movie now (mostly of Angelina and Ryan, yeah!) so I'm redoing the first collage...I also added one of Joan, and I'm in the process of making one of Joan and Keenan, so keep watching, if you like the movie as much as I do (I'm sure I'm the only one, but regardless)

Plain And Simple

I adore this poster and I want a copy if I ever find it, it is the best! I think this background doesn't need anymore, it stands best by itself.


I love Angelina Jolie in this movie. She and Keenan (Ryan Philippe) are my favorite couple. The next one that I make will be of the two of them together.

The Collage

I am redoing this cause the other version I had sucked. So keep watching for it, it'll be up eventually.

Joan And Keenan

The two of them are so cute together! (Yes, I do realize that it is only a movie, it doesn't mean I don't still cry everytime I watch the scenes when the two of them are together...) Whenever I get around to this one, it'll probably be my favorite.

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