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This is why being an Italian rox!

1. Italians are the greatest lovers.

2. Italians make the best wise guys.

3. Nobody loves their mamma like an Italian.

4. Italians are without a doubt the best looking people.

5. It took an Italian like Columbus to discover America.

6. No one cooks finer cuisine than Italians.

7. The Pope lives in Italy.

8. Italians have the toughest Godfathers.

9. De Niro, Pacino, Brando, Scorsese, Parlanti, Di Maggio, Pavarotti, Carollo, Mannino, Mario C.,*Ciccone*, and Pesci. There all Italian!!!

10. Italians rule because we say so!!! Do ya gotta a problem wit dat?!?

11. No nationality is more "jocked" then Italian.

12. The reason for the fact above is because the Italians are the loudest and the funniest people to be around.

13. Italians have the only children who go in for dinner and come out three days later.

14. Everything is the biggest and most expensive.

15. If you were an Italian child you know the EVERY Sunday is pasta night rather you like it or not.

16. Italian boys always think they are Gods gift to the world...and their right!!!

17. You have to speak Italian or understand Italian or your not a True one. ( i undersatand =] lol)

18. You have a huge family.

19. Half of your family live in Italy.

20. Italians marry Italians!!!! There are no exceptions!!!!

ItALiAn GuRlZ AlWaYs

ThInK ThEy ArE GoDs

GiFt To ThE WoRlD

AnD ThEy'rE RiGhT!

DiAmoNdS r NIcE &

sO r PEarLs BuT

thERe AiNT nOthIN likE

Us iTaLIaN giRlZ

Call me a bitch

call me a snob,

but watch your back

cause i represent

the Italian mob.

WhY Do ThEy CaLL

It A FrEnCh KiSs

If ItALiAnS Do It

ThA BeSt

-:¦:- ItAliAn CuTiE wItH tHe BoOtiE-:¦:-

ThErE aRe 2

KiNdS oF pEoPlE..

iTaLiAnS & PeOpLe

WhO wIsH tHeY WeRe ItAliaN!!

go home...

Trixiegirl's music
