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Area of Shellows

Welcome to Shellows! If you are to join then you must abide by Shellows rules, and follow the orders given to you by Lord Gloh!

1. No Hentai!!!
2. No swearing like a sailor or worse!
3. This is an RPG, do NOT take anything too seriously! If someone insults you, so long as they are IN (In Character), then don't go beserk over it! Unless it's your *characters* reaction to such a situation! If ANYONE gets into an argument OOC (Out Of Character), you will be warned and therefore take it somewhere else! If you do not listen, you will be banned for one week, and if you come back and start it again, you are *permanently* banned.
4. No God-Moding.
5. No spamming.
6. Yes, you are allowed to play multiple characters, so long as you do not use anyone else's character OR name. I.e.: There is a character named Hitomi, you cannot have that name.
7. Please, a proper introduction and if you want to magically have known someone in the past, please speak with them about it beforehand. Otherwise they'll be pretty damn confused.
8. When speaking out of your character, please put 'OOC' in the subject area. Thank you.
9. When typing, do speak in a language we can all understand. We request to not have too much l33t here, merely because whether or not everyone can understand it we're not sure. You may have SOME though, just as you may have SOME Spanish, and Japanese.
10. Never post your e-mail, the message boards are not member-oriented, so pretty much anyone can go there and not post, and we will never know. So if there is a e-mail spammer looking for an e-mail address, we can't stop them. Do *not* post it!
11. Remember, this is a RPG, so have fun!