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Quote:Try to remember the lovely things, you'll soon regret it as soon as it rejects you. Darkmatt's sky palace

Where files go.

SMB1 extremely useful information.

News & updates for the whole site.


Why does it feel like an eternity since I've updated? ...oh wait, it's been a month.

Zelda Classic 2.10.....god, just sent me, the best thing to happen this month., if you use ZC, you NEED to update to this. If you already have, just ignore this shameless ad.

Finally, anybody ever played The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions? Drop me an e-mail at There's no Puzzle Swap because it's either something happened to it, or they didn't give a (CENSORED!) about it. If only I can code better and afford to use an archive of......okay I'm gonna quit typing my rants now.

SMB3A? I have to start off from scratch from World 2...that honestly sucks, because I had a killer level for the end of World's on demo at god who knows when.

What? You want good news? FINE. If you haven't noticed yet, Megaman 1 Enemy listing, a handy .TXT file (Which probably would've been handier if VISINE was windowed.) explaining a bunch of enemies, how they're placed and what not, though far from complete, and Vagla's been vacant at Acmlm's Board since forever, it's staying as it's current version for awhile. Want to help? Again, drop me an e-mail.

Darkmatt, out.


Hiatus gone, and that ain't the only thing that's gone. The hard drive was so loaded up with viruses (What? It was before I used Firefox.) that nothing can be saved, the computer, though, can, but I have a Dell now. So now, all demos that is on the site, is now my progress. My current project for now will be the SMB3A. Thanks to Hukka's editor, maybe I'll get it done faster.

So, that's it, everything's blown. Well, not everything, but anything that isn't on the site is gone. Good night.

Oh yeah, and in related news, It's "Get rid of crap." time, everything that has been sitting around for too long is gone for no reason.

Super Winter World? Oh yeah, remodeling it doesn't work, I didn't give out an unlocked version, if anybody wants to make there own, e-mail me first for permission.


There is no winter.

Errm, make that Super Winter. Yes, Super Winter World suffered the same fate as all my other work. A very long and forced hiatus. (READ UPDATE BELOW)

Also, I'm done with demos, I'm gonna work in private, if I finish a hack, I'll release it...

Look at SMW:TNL and SMWA. Maybe if I work without a hassle of risking my hacks work for a demo because I'm cursed to screw up once in a while, I'll actually get another hack finished.

Oh yeah, there IS 1 current project, but, I'm just living up the hiatus. Though, you will still get no demo, Super Mario World 2 Advanced. Maybe I'll continue it if I ever get a worthy GUI and won't have to strain hard to make a decent level.


Yep, the eternal updateless has begun 8 months ago, and still rolls on.

Okay, good news/bad news. Good news, I got a new computer! And I''m now 14! ^_^. Okay...-_- Bad news, my old computer's scrooed. So is all my files and stuff on it.

And so, here's to an official hiatus off work. Cheers!

D00d! Look at all my R.E. Leauge Badges!!