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Well...This page is gone.....Whatever I said b4 forget it...I'm not gonna bring myself down to yalls level...yall can call me a bitch all you want but i really dont care. this is stupid and childish and im gonna be mature about it and just ignore yall...but neways thanks kristen, keith, kt, and megan for sticking up for me. Love yall!! -Erin PS: I just read your little message below here kim, and I wanted to add said that you have more respect than to talk about peoples family or people on the internet...Then why in the world did you talk so bad about MEGANS family to her?? and you've talked about me on here to...LOL! haha you just contradicted urself so bad..think before you talk. it will save u and me a lot time.

Well it's like she said this page is gone,I did'nt wanna drop to her level and leave little messages on our old webpage,but I just wanted to say a little something since she put her 2 cents in. This is all stupid,immature and childish and I don't even know what got it all started,prolly the fact of Erin and KEith talkin about family,and runnin there trap on here.I have blocked them,and I am ignoring them.I have more respect than to talk about some one on the net,or talk about some one's family.(As far as Haley,Shea and Ashleigh go for callin you a bitty,well to start with you called me a bitty on here on the webpage,and what are true-friends for..they took up for me,regardless if they don't really know you..)Erin put on here the first get a life..well that's what we have I think everyone else needs to do the same,get out of it..let it go..So I consider this crap OVER...Happy New Year... byebye-Kim Btw,None of us will be returning to this site,to see what ya'll have to say or add on here,so don't waste your time. I don't care who dis likes me,because I have 4 true-best-friends..the perfect guy in my life..and most of all God..and his all that matters anyways! That's all I have to say..Have a great life
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