

WhO Is the sexiest bitch EVER?!?

Tony Diec

Tony Diec

Tony Diec

Tony Diec

Tony Diec

Current Results


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@ Home CabLe Internet

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Contact n/e of the following members for more info on membership



Doan, Cecilia

Tran, Huong

Pham, Julie

Ho, David

Pham, Thomas

Tran, Richard

Pham, Kci

Lee, Joseph

Latayan, Alvin

Le, Thomas

Zhao, Richard

Nguyen, Christine

Diec, Tony


February 5th, 2002 5:12PM

sOrry peepOh, i been a littO bz tO update..but i did make a new February calender, althou not completed, it's still something..the basic dates are there..if u want ur birfday put up, juss IM me and i'll pOst it..sO yea!

Chard, we gOt yOr back...=) haha...jOhnsOn trying tew bOx MY cuzin? hahaha..wutta sucka! Let's see wut happen's shaLL we?

January 19th, 2002 4:56PM


January 10th, 2002 4:08PM


yeSS! Our ladies page wiLl be updated shOrtLy tew add Our new member Christine nguyen's name On everything, as weLl as her infO..stay tuned fer that..Our member cOunt's gOne up 4 peOPle sO far! YAY us! Ok...thursday=Library day!

Remember that january 18th 2002 is the last day @MHS for our members ALVIN LATAYAN and THOMAS LE! sO wherever they wana gO and chiLL, aLL members PLZ be there fOr theiR departure.

Always Ur famiLy...repping 4o8 and eLsewhere...gOod luck In sac tOwn alvin, and gOod lUck in CHicagO thOmas! we Lov...

January 9th, 2002 9:44Pm


January 9th, 2002 3:11PM


January 9th, 2002 1:37AM

AČ expansion..have i tOld u abOUt dat? weLL yea..i figured since my site is pretty dOrmant, we shOUld add new members...it's pretty dead..i'm prOlly the OnLY One keeping it gOing..cuz yea..everyOne's wOrrying abOUt skOoL..and tO tOp it Off..it is juss a clique name..sO we dOn't gOtta endOrse It Or nething..ish juss my page stiLL has the same peOPle on it..sO we need to add MORE! and yea...dick and christine, whO dOn't get Online much, are being ASKED to join AČ..remember,cece, hOw when we started, WE asked THEM!? see..sO it's stiLl aLL gOod right...and then there are peOple whO wana joIn...thOmas le and anh dat...sO they stiLl have tO get majOrity vOtes..vOtes ARe confidentiaL..Ok!..sO let RUsh begin Once again..
MEMBERS: i knO lOts Of u dOn't care...but give me SOMETHING to wOrk with!!

January 7th, 2002 9:18PM


New members are being added..stay tuned fer updates!

January 4th, 2002 12:00AM


We tOok pics wif humas fer his bday! they will be pOsted up sOon! ...i think we gOt 8 pOses...sO yea..enjOy em! alSo a new pic Of steph and her bOytOy! WOW she's sO pHotOgenic and HOT! =)

December 25th, 2001 2:39PM


InfO fOr aLL 3 ladies Of AČ is up! yay! aLl banners changed tew suit! yay again...and hMm...wut else? Oh yea...thOse banners are reaLLy annOying sO if neOne has the cOde tew delete thOse things Off my page, Puhlease IM me it! i need people to gimme imput on MORE dates! mOre events..mOre pictures and a lOt mOre stuff! *sigh*...it's bOring nOw and i have nOthing eLse tO dO tO this page...i ran Out Of ideas! hMmm...wut eLse...i guess i better start making a new page caLLed "articLes"...thOse wiLL cOntain wOrld wide news..why? cuz im bOred! sO people can send in articLes entitled sOmething like "_____ is a gay fag" Or sOmething like that...and yess...OoOH! I was thinking! everyOne send me their winter baLl pictures!! plz!!!! send them on Over and imma put up a tabLe in the Image Gallery for aLl winter baLL pictures! sanks! i guess ill update thOse every tyme there's a new dance tO put up new dance pictures tOo..sO yes...Im me w/ ur dance pictures Or email em tO me and ill put them up! yess!

December 22nd, 2001 8:49AM

HeLLO everyOne & Happy hOlidays! as neOne whO kIcks it w/ us knOws...tOday is 12/22....
wut IS 12/22? ICE SKATING DAY! wut where when and why?
wut: Ice skating and Checking Out sOme lights
where: Ice Centre Of San Jose
Xmas in the Park
When: arOund 6ish
Why: cuz we feel like it

secOnd thing that is happening tOday..but nOt quiet 12/22...mOvies arOund 12/1 in the mOrning....why? David's bday!! yay! tOmOrrOw is david's bday! YAY! HAPPY birthday david hO! i lOv!

next on the agenda..it's almOst the end Of december, new year and new mOnth..meaning the January calander is up...check it Out...haha...start adding dates tO it by teLLIng me wutchu guys wanna dO! ill try n add hOlidays n finaLs week sO we knO wut's gOIng On...but yess...keep it updated ok!

Farther mOre, changes are Occuring! this page will no longer be exclusively mines, but of ALL ladies in Azn Alliance! jubie n cece are nOw part Of this page...trying tew get their infO up as sOon as Possible! cOme check it Out later!

December 8th, 2001 9:16AM

It seems as if the pOll shOuld be up untiL xMas is Over..sO when it IS over..the new pOLL wiLl be up...keep the vOting and Hits cOming in..and dats abOut it..nOthing mOre tew say...

December 04th, 2001 10:29PM

HeLlO! weLL there's nOthing much gOing On..cabLe's bak On..and i uploaded sOme mOre dates..including david's bday and xmas in the park! alvin sent me some pics but im tOo lazy to put them up cuz i'd be changing all positions of everything...sO mah lazy ass is gona do that over the weekend or something...Other than that..nOthing's gOing On..ToMOrrOw we're goNa work on candy grams and fOr me, i gOt viet cLub jack emery drive...sO yea...juss wana say hi to everyOne...aLL memebers: Jubie! me encanta! i lOv! cece...*sizzLe*..hOT GURl!!!! david! =) u sOo crazy! i lOv! mOejOejOejOe! next tyme..sOmewhere KOOL! kci! Happy bday (12/3)! richard! gOod job on the test! YAY we all got 20s! thOmas: hey babe...dOnt trip Ok..cheer up! i hate seeing yOo sad...=)

Yup..dats it..sO cOme bak next tyme...the next pOll im thinking abOut is DSL, CABLE, Or 56K..wut are YOU using?? kOo huh? Ok bye people!

November 28th, 2001 5:39Pm

HeLLo peePo! guess wut! i juss gOt a GREEEEEAT idea! but i dernO if the hOt gurls (Azn alliance's very Own Jubie and cece) will wana dO it..but if we dO..i say lets DO It! Ok hOw bOut..on the 22..instead of gOing tO ICE...we gO tO Xmas in the park!!! AND there's an iceskating rink there and we cOuld skate there? hOw bOut it?! i never been tew Xmas in the Park wif my friends befOre and i think dis will be a great day!! hOpefully, i had enuff bad dayz....sO yea..teLL me wut u think and wut we shOuld dO on 12/22!
me encanta! (i lOve) , HuOnGee

November 26th, 2001 11:16PM

HeLLo everyOne! note tO everyOne..esp daniel, humas, or david...well nOt david right nOw but STOP ASKING ME TO TAKE FUZION EYE OFF MY SITE!! sO lets make a deal...i WILL take fuzion eye OFF my site if YOU guys come up wif a BETTER site than theirs! GOT IT?! better get crackin then huh....

lOl..Ok on a lighter note...since thanxgiving break IS over and that means i wOnt be obessive wif dis page ne more..it'll prOlly juss be sitting here for neone who wants to see ...and yea..ill prOly cOme bak and make some changes when i got tyme but fer right now...my ap world and xmas n sync cd is awaiting..ttyL!

Congratulations JOE LEE! New member of AČ

November 25th, 2001 7:54Pm

New pOll..i dernO hOw the heLL fuzion eye did theirs so that the results go back into their webpage but im still learning...and yes...i do think fuzion eye is a GREAT site so i dont care if u think im biting off them...cuz really, they're a great example of wut a GOOD webpage is suppose to be instead of a bunch of ugly colors bounded together by HTML coding...therefore, i really love the site..and yea...im going to link them up to my links section..juss cuz i love the site so much...

KEEP THE HITS COMING IN! i got a hit counter that is spose to match mah theme color..black white and black and gray...so yea..i didn't cheat out ne numbers so those are actually real hits unless u count the previews i make on angelfire to see how the web site is going..but once i stop visiting the link so much...then the hits wil be real...sO yea..keep those hits coming..

MEMBERS: remember admittance of a new member is decided on majority votes...

November 25th, 2001 12:58PM

What is New?? There is a new contact list, below my contact list, which includes all sn of members. If there are ne Q's about AČ, IM a member..i also added a MEMBERS SINCE column. One, to take up space, and 2...fOr the hell of it...

AnOther thing has caught my attention: Although i put that the 1024x768 resolution IS THE best resolution to view this page on, there are certain people, including members who are use to the 600x800pixel resolution. I switched res. for my computer to see wut those people see and the only thing rong with it are the wings of my angel are cut off and the events calender. Although i did nothing to fix the cut off wings of my angels, i did put up a 600x800 pixel page for the events. 1024 viewers will see both pages as the same while 600 viewers will see things a bit differently.

Thank you for ur patients in the making of AČ.

HuOnGeE prOductions©

Congratulations KCI PHAM! new member of AČ

November 24th, 2001 8:24PM

HELLO! again...like 2nd tyme today...newly added..pictures page is dun and events are dun althogh, as we all know...all pages are subjected to change and improvements and updates...therefore, this page will never be completeLy dun!

anOther thing that has come to my attention: a member told me there will be people who are gona get offended w/ me making this site for AČ members...this site is indeed for AČ but it's also for ne/one who wants to view it...it's no big deal. He also sed that people will get offended if they are not asked to join...but see...this is already a clique..there's nothing more too it...tis is juss nOw a name fOr the clique and if ur not asked to join, dont be offended bc this isnt THE kOolest thing ever..sO dOnt trip!


NEW PAGE: Events
..the calender will be generic and i'll make a new one for every month...November is disgarded because there's only one week left and wutever we gona do, it could be part of the december calender...banners are still to be added and i might get a No-Right click up and maybe a guest book but the Ones i see lOok ghettO...need tO fInd a gOod One..and a hit cOunter tOo...interesting..if ne/one knOws hOw tO make pOlls, Im Me the InfO please! Or eLse i gOtta search the web fOr the htmL/ javascripted cOde..sO yea...fOr me..mIdI files piss me Off sO nO sOng will be On this page..nO matter how gOod it is..sO yea...updates will nOw gO intO the pictures section...n/e pictures are welcOme sO Email me ur pictures that yOo want up!

November 24th, 2001

gOood mOrning peOple! as yOo can see, i am stiLL a bit Obessed Over this site and the Events Calander and Picture sectiOn shOUld be cOming alOng shOrtLy...Please send me wutever pictures you want me to put up...and again...send me ur links...as for humas and david, i already put their sites up..also put up already is daniel ha and pavel zegara....also in the links section is my diary for n/eone who needs a link...alsO...next thing on my mind: pOlls and fOrums and to make the scOll bar black and blUe....alsO have a member index...yup..sO dat means i am still altering and figuring out these html stuff....patients is a virtue young grasshoppah...

nOvember 23rd, 2001

Hey everyOne! wOw...a whOle new page juss fOr mee! as of right nOw, im working more on the design of the page than it's content..such as the banner i put up...copyrighted ©...and the whole new concept of AZN ALLIANCE! fOr mOre InfO On Azn ALLiance, cLick On InfO...sO far, recruiting is stiLL w/in prOcess..sO dOn't trip abOUt wut AČ is...yOo wiLL knO when yOo get ur chance...

anOther thing...Azn Alliance is subject to change..but hOpefully it wOn't cuz i persOnally lOve the name! thanx cece fOr making it up!

Third, i purpOse a kinda Oath...sOmething alOng the lines Of: i gOt ur back..whenever, where/ever, wif whOever...

gOt suggestions? EmaiL me: Vietgurleee721@hOtmaiL.com
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