

I tell you so many things

Like today I found some wildflowers

And laid in the grass

Just so I could feel the wind.

All you hear is today I killed some weeds

And laid in the dirt

What I'm trying to say is that I love you.

I think sometimes I need you

Without you I would be in a room

Whose only mentionable features

Are padded walls and locked doors.

You're like my shrink.

You listen

But don't give advice.

So I guess you're apathy personified

Because to you

Listening is just something else to do.

We're both comfortable with that;

I know I don't complain.

Other times you're like a drug

To which I'm hopelessly addicted.

I crave you all the time....

I just can't get enough of you.

You make sure of that.

I wish I could swallow you whole

And take you down with me

Piece by piece.

It would be too easy.

You're everything I think I want

And nothing that I have.

You're my dream

But you're my poison

Dripping down to burn away the silver lining in my cloud.

You don't mean to be

It's just the way things are.

Maybe that's the way I want it.

And maybe....

Maybe it's not really you I love.

Maybe it's not you I need.

Because the ideal I've created you into

Is a labyrinth of contradictions

You could never live up to

Even if you tried.

It would disappoint me if you did.

I'd hate to have my ideal

Because then I wouldn't want it anymore.


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