I want you to tell me the logic in this. There are approx. 22,000 students at WVU. 50.5% of which are males. So we'll say a little over 11,000 students at WVU are male (but b/c I am a Textiles Apparel and Merchandising major and not a math major, we'll stick to using 11,000). Not quite 3/4, but well over half are absolutely gorgeous and qualify as what we like to call "walking orgasms". So we'll say at LEAST 6,875 are walking orgasms. (And I want you to know that I just took the time right then and there to figure out the math) and I just realized for the point I am about to make that last bit of information was rather insignificant because as we have known from my past experiences (before I got a clue) I believed appearance wasn't everything (ex. Rob, Matt). So for argument's sake, we'll go back to the original number of 11,000 males at WVU. This number does not excite me. The possibility of 6,875 of those 11,000 males being walking orgasms does not excite me. Why not? When you think about it, 11,000 is a hell of a lot of people, let alone a hell of a lot of men. That's about half the population of Morgantown in the summer (half the population of Uniontown year round). That is 1/6 the amount of people that can fit in Mountaineer Field. That is slightly less than 1/3 the amount of people that can fit in PNC Park. That is 500 games of football going on at one time (and yes, I actually sat here and thought about those statistics... I must really not want to read my Econ book tonight). Last year, the thought of 11,000 men made my head go into an excited spin. This year, I want nothing to do with that figure. I want nothing to do with 10,999 of those 11,000 men (that's not completely true, friendship is always a beautiful thing...). I want one. One who learns Ricky Martin dances for the hell of it. One who is a lot more introverted and subdued than he puts off. A pretty boy. A skinny pretty boy at that. One who thinks pants are overrated.

Where is the logic??


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