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*~~~~~~My Dreamland~~~~~~*

• You either †hate† or you ºLØVEº there's not much in between • But Hating and Løving at the same time brings forth ä powerful force you won't €ver ünders†and •

• You either †hate† or you ºLØVEº there's not much in between • But Hating and Løving at the same time brings forth ä powerful force you won't €ver ünders†and •

My Current Mood: The current mood of at

Hey, how are you? Not been updating the site very lately.. because, well, lack of time and the html skills. I've not made this page "flash" yet, i may make it like that.. any ideas please tell me, either in the guestbook or thru' email, thanks ~ Lookin' for spiritual growth? Life is not just about materials, not just about anything in face value.. i believe .. i believe.. Spiritual consciuosness is very important, and i'm trying to be at peace with myself

Please sign da guestbook to show you came here once! Just write anything,bad or good, thnks!

~*My Secret Journal*~ (Keep Out Or You'll Regret it, snoop)
Survey ¤ Survey2 ¤ Movie Reviews
DiseasedWorld ¤ MarilynMonroe ¤ Beauty
Cute Surveys!
Jung Psychological Type Test :INFP , INFP2
Angelix's Homepage
Runescape (My Nick in that game is Atlenta)

Past Life

Key in your birthday to find out who you were in your past life (if you believe it).

For example:
August 09, 1960 would be entered as - Day:09 Month:08 Year:60

Day:    Month:   Year: