Vulcano (1949)


Rossano Brazzi
Geraldine Brooks, 1925-1977
Eduardo Cianelli, 1889-1969
Anna Magnani, 1908-1973
Enzo Staiola

William Dieterle, 1901-1992, also producer

Director of Photography
Arturo Gallea (see La forza bruta)

Enzo Masetti

Renzo Avanzo, 1911-1989
Vitaliano Brancati, 1907-1954 (see Silenzio, si gira)
Piero Tellini (see É caduta una donna)

Production Design
Mario Chiari, 1909-1989


"In this Italian adventure set on a small island, a prostitute is tossed out of Naples and so returns to her home village. There she meets her baby brother and little sister who has grown into a beautiful young woman. Unfortunately, the highly judgmental village women do not welcome the disgraced woman and refuse to allow her to enter the church. The defiant prostitute then kneels upon the ground and prays outside the church. Later, a young diver with his own sordid past falls in love with the woman's little sister. To protect her, the ex-prostitute drowns the diver. Later, she feels so guilty that when the island volcano explodes, she refuses to save herself. The story was filmed on a real island with an active volcano."
From "The All-Movie Guide"

Cianelli was a former opera singer.
Anna Magnani remains one of Italy's most famous actresses, and this is the only picture she made with Rossano. It was Magnani, in fact, who remarked in an interview around 1957 that by the time of Summertime and South Pacific, he had developed a "handsomeness that far exceeded his previous beauty", so, obviously, she was quite familiar with him. Her husband, Goffredo Alessandrini, would have directed him in Noi Vivi.
Avanzo, a cousin of Roberto Rossellini, was a long-time public relations man for Technicolor's film lab in Rome. This film was based on one of his original storylines.
Chiari also worked on costumes for Cristoforo Columbo.

Photo Gallery
Geraldine Brooks and Rossano Brazzi.
"As a villainous lover in Volcano, Rossano Brazzi embraces peasant girl (Geraldine Brooks). He turns out to be a white slaver and is drowned by her mother." So quoteth the original caption, although Anna Magnani in fact played her older sister.
Geraldine Brooks and Rossano Brazzi engaged in mock battle during a break in filming.
Anna Magnani and Rossano Brazzi in a scene from Vulcano.

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