Per amore ... per magia (1966/1967)

"For Love ... For Magic"
Mischa Auer, 1905-1967 (see Il natale che quasi non fu ...)
Rossano Brazzi
Lorella De Luca
Rosemary Dexter
Gianni Glori-Musy
Sandra Milo
Gianni Morandi
Paolo Poli
Tony Renis

Duccio Tessari

Luís Enrique Bacalov

Musical Comedy

Synopsis/Review (Italian)

"Aladino (Gianni Morandi) è innamorato della bella principessa Esmeralda (Rosemarie Dexter) figlia del Gran Duca di Forillari, ma per sposarla dovrà fare i conti con il perfido Visconte di Pallerineri che spera di mettere le mani sul ricco Ducato.

Aiutato dai sortilegi del potente mago, Magrebino e dalla Lampada Magica, più un curioso personaggio, un pinguino, Aladino riuscirà a sconfiggere anche con il suo grande amore verso la principessa i poteri di un altro suo nemico la strega maga (Mina) che l'aveva fatto prigioniero.

La rilettura di "La lampada di Aladino" una delle favole più note delle "Mille e una notte" propone nell' insolita veste di attori alcune delle voci più famose dell'epoca e di oggi: accanto a Tony Renis, figurano infatti due mostri sacri della canzone italiana come Gianni Morandi e Mina."

Synopsis/Review (English)

Aladdin (Gianni Morandi) has fallen in love with the beautiful princess Esmeralda (Rosemarie Dexter), daughter of the Archduke of Forillari, but in order to marry her, he will first need to settle accounts with the perfidious Viscount of Pallerineri, who hopes to appropriate the rich Dukedom for himself.

Helped by the sorceries of the powerful magician Magrebino, and from the Magic Lamp - not to mention an even more curious character, a penguin, Aladdin will succeed in not only winning the heart of the princess with his great love, but also the powers of another of hie enemies, the witch sorceress (Mina) who had imprisoned him.

The retelling of "Aladdin's Lamp", one of the more noted fables more notes of the "Thousand and One Nights", included in the unusual guise of actors some of the most famous voices of the epoch and of today: with Tony Renis, two icons of Italian song, Gianni Morandi and Mina, are also in the cast."


Sandra Milo was a cousin of Yves Montand.
Gianni Morandi was then, and continues to be, one of Italy's most beloved and internationally renowned popular singers. At the time of the film, he had already won the San Remo Festival and had several other films under his belt, despite being in his early twenties. For those unfamiliar with Gianni Morandi - if you ever get the chance to watch a video or listen to a CD, do so. He has by now attained almost legendary status in Italy and certainly in other countries as well - it is to our great detriment here in the United States and in other western nations, that we tend not to import non-English-speaking music, as it has prevented us from truly appreciating Morandi's astounding career and talent. A true family man, he has also performed in films with his daughter, while his son Marco can be typically seen behind Dad on the concert stage, playing drums.

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