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Jessi's World ...

~ Evangeline ~
*guardian of strength*
she looks after this site
and was adopted from Anastasia
my lovely world...

~ J e s s i ~ garden :-)
play in Van Gogh's bedroom!
Jessi's friends
tree froggish moon page
my nature pixies and spirits
games ~ links

this dove is for the bird that died and Jessi was sad for today, and wished for a guardian bird on his webpage for all his bird friends

Beautiful World

~* After your visit to Jessi's World, perhaps you'd like to ride the Kid's train...! The Rail
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mum made me this SnowGlobe

save the world...

The WeatherPixie

Save the Dragons Campaign

Little Star Webring
This Little Star Webring
site is owned by *Jessi*.
Little Star Webring
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