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Hobbies and Interests
Academic Background

My favourite colour is obvious to anyone who knows me briefly. It is blue. Doesn't matter what shade just as long as it's blue. I love partying at my place and the sleepovers LOL ; P. My fav T.V. Show would have to be "That 70's Show". I don't know what it is about it, but I can just picture my mother doing stupid things like that. My favourite food would have to be short Pasta with Tomato sauce mmmmmm. food.

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My all time favourite thing to do is dance. I have danced since i was three years old. I love competing. It brings such a thrill. I also like to do Gymnastics in my spare time. Most of the time my dancing is called 'Acro' which is dancing with flips and twists. I enjoy playing pool with friends and listening to music. (Guess i would have to, to dance)HAHAHA!

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My family is very small compared to others. I live with my mom and my younger sister Courtney. My mom's name is Sue. She is 41 and enjoys any kind of sports. She is always trying to be funny, and she is great fun to be around. My sister Courtney is 11. She is loud, and like my mom...enjoys anything involved with sports. She has been playing soccer for three years now and is getting pretty good. Though humans are scarce in my house my pets come as a majority. I have two Jack Russell Terriers, Krammer and Spotless. I have three Fire Belly Newts, and a 40gallon tank of tropical fish and a 10gallon tank with the babies from my tropical tank.

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If I had to pick a best friend it would have to be my friend Nicole. I have known her since i was 7 and we live in the same survey. She is black, and short like me. Her family comes from Trinidad and Tobago. She is also loud and crazy like me. I think that's why we get along so well. Other people I would acknowledge as friends are: Melissa, Grace, and Kim.

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Academic Background
For Kindergarden I attended R.L.Hyslop, from there i went to Sherwood elementary and followed the path to Highview, then Sherwood Seconday. After grade nine though I wanted to meet new people so I decided to come to my boyfriend's now ex's school (St.Jean de Brebeuf) and that's where I stayed for gr. 10/11. Now my ass is back at Sherwood and having the time of my fucking life. Love all ya crazy mofo's lol. I am planning on attended MacMaster or Waterloo University in 2004/2005. Good luck to me YAAAA!

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Cool Links
Click Here to Preview my favourite Band's New release
Click here to go to Where I like to Play Dominoes
Click Here to go to the place where our class plays Family Feud

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