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bEcCa'S pAgE


bEcCa'S pAgE..hAvE fUn!

bEcCa'S pAgE..hAvE fUn!
HoMe | hOt QuOtEs | JoKeZ | sHoP a+F | sItZa'S sItE | cUtE qUoTeZ | PiK ^ LiNeZ/cUmbAkZ | dOlLz |

About Me

Hey! My name is Becca, and I am 13 years old. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and am about 5"2. This is a website I have just created, so right now it isn't close to being finished. But don't worry - I'm sure in no time it will be a great site! If you have any suggestions or comments about my new site please e-mail me @ or speak 2 me over msn. Tnnx! By byz, MWA!

Joke Of Tha Day

Joke of tha day: A guy is nearing the end of his senior year in high school. Unfortunately, he still has to share a room with his younger brother who is only 9 years old. One night, he decides to bring his girlfriend home for a little fun. They have bunk beds and the guy notices that his little brother is already asleep on the lower bunk, so he and his girlfriend climb up to the top bunk. As you might expect things start to heat up. The guy remembers that his little brother is sleeping below so he tells his girlfriend to whisper "lettuce" if she wants it harder and "tomato" if she wants a new position.
Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!!Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! She screams. Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Whoa!!!
I can't get pregnant!

Then the little brother shouts up, "Hey, would you guys stop making sandwiches up there! You're getting mayonnaise all over my face!*!*!*!*!
HahAHA hOw fUnNaY??!

*nEw* tRiCk oR tReAt! cUtE gAmE! [an error occurred while processing this directive]

PpLz...U cAn NoW aDd yEr OwN LiNkS bY cLiCIkInG bElOw:
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dOn'T fOrGeT 2 cHeCk OuT tHa dAiLy CaRtOoN!! JuS cLiCk ThA LiNk BeLoW!!

a hUgE sHoUt-OuT 2 MrS. sAlBaNa!! lUv U GuYz! OMG wE r GrAdUaTiNg!! hUnNiEz..wE aCtuAlLy dId iTt! yAy!

hEy 2 ALl mAh HuNnIeZ...sKoOl: MRS. SALBANA! saSkAtOoN pPlZ: tHa fRoNdaLl'S n uR cOuSinZ!! eSpEciAllY bReNt, dD, RiSs!OttOwA pPlz: MAtt, j, jEnN, Ad, cHrIs, t, aL, dOuG, jEfF, bEcKy, aDaM, n fRoSty Jr.! cAmP gAlZ: cHeLs, nIkKi, jEsS, LiNdZ x2, N bEcKy!

hEy gUyZ...dOn'T fOrGeTt 2 vIsIt mY fOrUm aNd aDd iN uR oWn mSg! jUs cLiCk tHa LiNk BeLoW:

sItZa - WAT DAY OF THA OMAR IZ IT? x2 hA Ha! wE HaVe nO iDeA WaT's GoIn On In ClAsS..mRs. ________ NeEdS L i P o S u C t I o N oN hEr aSs! bUdD n SiTzA tHat waZ gr8! y WeRe wE rHyMiN tHaTt dAy?!?! Ha hA!!

hEy bUdZie! yEw R sItTiN bEsIdE mE rItE nOw aS i Am tYpInG tHiS iN tHe cOmP lAb @ sKoOl! LoOLz! mR. rOtmAn aNd mRs. w/E-hEr-nAmE-iZ r gIvInG uS dIrTy LoOkS 'CaUsE uR pLaYiNg bOn JovI!! hAHa! sHhH dUn tElL tHeM iM oN maH sIte..wE'Re sPoSeD 2 bE dOiNg sUmtIn pRodUcTiVe! hAHa! TuRn DoWn tHa vOlUmE oN uR mUsIC! LoOl! oR uR gOnNa GeT iN tRoUbLe aGaIn! oMg! i ToLd yEw!! uR iN tRoUbLe aGaIn!

hEy mO g. i KnOw U LuRv mE!! MoOoOoOoO GgGgGgGgG....x2 wE'Ve GoT tHa SpIrIt?¿?¿ X2 c'MoN LeTz HeA iTt!! nA Na nA Na nA Na nA nA Na nA Na nA Na nA Na nA Na nA Na HEY HEY HEY HEY!!! lUrV yA sOoO mUcH hUnN!! *hE hAzTa gOo hE'Ll tTyL!!!!*

hEy aD! LuRv yA hOtTiE!! (c Ur iN mY wEbSiTe!)

mRs. SaLbAnA wE sOoOoO hAvE 2 HaVe A rEuNiOn In lIkE 20 YeArS n WaTcH sCaRy MoViEz! hA Ha!

hEy GuYz...NeEd a LiL HeLp FiNdIn nE tHiN oN tHa iNtErNet?? tRy My seaRcH BuTtOn!!
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wHaT gIrLz/gUyZ rEaLlY mEaN..

gUyZ LiNgO:
"I'm hungry" = I'm hungry
"I'm sleepy" = I'm sleepy
"I'm tired " - I'm tired
"Do you want to go to a movie?" = I'd eventaully like to have sex with you.
"Can I take you to dinner?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
"Can I call you sometime?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
"May I have this dance?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.
"Nice dress" = Nice cleavage/ass/body!
"You look tensed, let me give you a massage" = I want to fondle you.
"What's wrong?" = What meaningless self inflicted pshychological trauma are you going through now?
"What's wrong?" = I guess sex tonight is out of the question.
"I'm bored" = Do you want to have sex?
"I love you" = Let's have sex right now.
"I love you too" = Okay i said it we'd better have sex now!
"Let's talk" = I am tryin' to impress you by shown that I'm a deep person and maybe then you'd like to have sex with me!
"Will you marry me?" = I want to make it illegel 4 you to have sex with other guys
"I'll call you tomorrow!" = Be lucky If I ever call again!
"I just wanna be friends" = This is the best excuse I could think of not 2 go out wif u!
"Lets go back to my place" = Lets get it on!
"I like those pants!" = I wonder how fast I can get them off of you!
"I like your shirt a lot" = but I like what's under it more!
gIrLs LiNgO:
"Yes"= No
"No" = Yes
"May-b" = No
"It's your decision" = The correct decision should be obvious by now!
"Do what u want" = You'll pay 4 this later!
"We need to talk" = I need to bitch.
"Sure......Go ahead" = I don't want you too.
I'm not upset" = Of course I'm upset!
"How much do u love me?" = I did something today your not goin' like me 4.
"Is my butt fat?" = Tell me i'm beautiful.
"You have to learn to communicate!" = Just agree with me.
"Are you listening to me?" = Too late, you're dead!
"I'm not emotional! And I'm not overreacting!" = I'm on my period
"You're certainly attentive tonight." = Is sex all you ever think about?
"Do you love me?" = I'm going to ask for something expensive

cOoL dOwNlOaDs 4 MsN | mOrE dOlLz |
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tHiS iZ rEaLLy fUnKaY..u wRiTe A mSg N mArK yEr pLaCe oN tHa mAp W/ tHeSe kUtE LiL pPlZ!!

My Fav Sites:

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
MyJellyBean - The Cutest Website
Abercrombie - Love tha Stuff...who duzn't?