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Height 25 inches
Weight 65 lbs.
Eye color Almond
Purebread? Yes
Date welphed Febuary 22nd, 2000
Biography Bailey's registered name is "NoFear Very Pretty Gorgeous," but her original name is "Bailey". We found her on the Internet after our old German wired/short haired Pointer (Shadow) died when she got cancer in the splean, and decided to buy her immediately, even though we had to pay for shipping all the way from Sudbury,Ontario. We don't regret spending the money though! Bailey is a great dog. She's friendly, loves walks, and is extremely smart. I taught her to shake paws, say "bye-bye", sit, lay down, roll over, and a bunch of other things. Bailey is a very energetic dog and loves to play ball. I remember the first time I played ball with Bailey and she automatically brought it back. I didn't even have to teach her to bring the ball back. I was really surprised. I am sure Bailey is a very happy dog because she goes for walks almost every day and we also have 5.5 acres so Bailey can run around just about any time she wants. Right now we have Bailey in agility classes because we hope to take her to dog shows one day. In January 2003 we hope to breed Bailey and possibly keep one of the puppies. I am currently looking for a stud dog for January 2003 and If your interested, you can e-mail me (Gail) at

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