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!-Ambaz Page-!

06/10/03 @11:57 am
omg!i havent wrote on here in 4eva!i got a new pic n a new song now!i also have a new layout that u can chek out at tell me wut u think!!well ima go work on the site sum mo!ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo *muah!

06/10/03 @11:57 am
guess wut!! i actually updated the site... thatz a 1st! lol well ya i got a new pic (Justin Timberlake) new song (Like I Luv You) Lyricz to the song, and sum funni pix that u will laugh ur ass off at (bottom right of the screen)! yay! and it wuz a lot of work so i dont think this is gonna be happenin 2 often! well yall can have fun wit the tagboard n all that fun shyt! oo n sign the gbook! pppleez! for me! =) aight im out ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo *muah! Laterz!

06/01/03 @9:03pm
alrite i just wanna sho u all wut i gotta go thru...
ToneE41888: do you kno bob sheehan
ToneE41888: ??
CuteLilBlonde013: yea
ToneE41888: he is on my baseball team
ToneE41888: so is brandon cross, lol the one that lovez u
CuteLilBlonde013: o god
CuteLilBlonde013: so tell me wut he wuz sayin
ToneE41888: lol
CuteLilBlonde013: ...
ToneE41888: well i asked bob if he knew you and he was like yeah, and then brandon said,
ToneE41888: yeah, isn't she hot as hell
ToneE41888: i want her really bad ima bang her
ToneE41888: it was pretty funny
ToneE41888: bob said, yeah she is
ToneE41888: brandon is a friken hornball
lol i just wanna say i met this kid 1nce!! lol weirdo!

05/25/03 @10:51 am
hey every1! im bored! yesterday wuz bad! i got yelled at a lot for the dumbest reasonz ever! but i wont get into it! rite now im talkin to Shane and Hubble! Im home alone cuz my parentz went out lookin for housez in Romeoville, Plainfield, and Dyer. Wade went out for pizza, autumn is at her friendz house and Clarkz at my cuz's house. i got my gbook workin so every1, SIGN IT! and if you go under content i have more stuff like a quiz u can take bout me! well im outa here ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo *muah!

05/23/03 @9:09 pm
yea ppl get me mad! brandon u kno wut.. shut up! im not tellin u 2morrow and im fed up! im not in the mood! and as for u dave... ive lost all respect for u and u are sooo in the 99.9%! dont ask y, u just r! ughh i hate ppl! well im outa here ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo *muah*

05/10/03 @10:40 pm
alrite yea i kno i havent been updatin in a long time but now im gonna have to! sum ppl i kno decided they wanted to make websitez 2.. so now i have a lil competition! lmao not to mention any namez ::cough:: ::cough:: dave n brandon ::cough:: ::cough:: so yea ill be updatin more often.. plus i havent updated in awhile bcuz my computer crashed n we just got it fixed yesterday! well im outa here ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo *muah*

03/23/03 @6:37 pm
hey hunniez! im tired n cold! my hot water pipe broke so i dont have any hot water itz horrible! but itz okay bcuz dave told me ima go to the beach in the summer and there will be hot sand and everything then after that were gonna take a hot shower! itz gonna be good! well im outa here ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo *muah*

03/22/03 @4:13 pm
hey every1 sorri for not updatin in a while but ive been realli realli busy! btw i made the softball team, but itz hell! for good newz i just had cheez friez and a chocolate shake ::yummi:: well ima get my softball schedule up so u can all see when i have gamez... ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo *muah! btw dave i have faith in u, only 29 more dayz! tomorrowz gonna be the greatest... if im not too scared of them comin home early! i dunno u gotz to make me feel better cuz im sore all ova from 2day! n if u dont ima cry.... ne wayz ur the greatest n im proud of u that u didnt break ur promise to me n jesus!

01/25/03 @4:21 pm
alrite i kno i said i wuz gonna try n write more often but i havent had a lot of time! im sorri! but yesterday i went to the hospital and i have bronchitis! itz soo horrible. but o well i should be better in like a week! anywayz i made my own horriscope so now u can get ur daily horoscope! soundz fun rite?! well im outa here tomorrow is the superbowl and raiderz are gonna kick sum ass rite dave?! lol alrite ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo!

12/28/02 @3:03 am
hey hey! omg i havent been on in like foreva!! for all of u who didnt kno my AOL broke so now my Email is aight? just lettin ya kno and my sn is CuteLilBlonde013 just to get that outa the way! GUESS WUT!! my birthday is today!! im so happy! ima be out all day so if u wanna talk to me drop me an Email aight? ttyl lyl buh-bye xoxo

7/24/02 @8:53 pm
hey! i havent been on in a long long long long long long long long long long long long long (13 times lol) time!! iv been grounded and still am!! it sux so badly!!i had the dentist today!i have my physical 2morrow, and the eyedoctor next week.. ughh im scared! well u g2g ttyl(hopefully that wil b soon!) buh-bye!

6/6/02 @8:26 pm
hey! omg i havent written in like 4ever! itz almost been a month. not quite, but almost! im at lisa's house! omg i cant believe we gradutated. o well, happens to the best of us. today i had a game for CYO. we won 20-0 or something like that. slauter kicked in. well lisa wants to say hi... so heres lisa.. "hi everyone its me ..hehe.. yep so i heard u heard we won. yep i got walked 3 times! i was so mad. they didnt throw me one strike. gurrrrr. well i g2g luv ya bye. wait amber loves aj so much and i hope he reads this. ok now bye im going to shower :)" okay amber again.. lisa went to take a shower. tomorrow we have a semi-final game against st. marys 7th. well im outa here, ttyl lyl buh-bye =)

5/15/02 @6:13 pm
hey people! im so tired. tomorrow i go to great america with my class. i cant wait! but rite now im not feeling really good, ima go get some sleep and i mite be on later!! buh-bye

5/14/02 @ 3:23 pm
hey every1! im sooo tired! i have a game today against sweet n tough! my team is gonna lose because we are horrible! o well i didnt gt my dress for the social yet =( im still lookin! and i kno i will NEVER EVER find the one i want. Happy Birthday Britney!(one of my friends) sorry i havesnt wrote in a long time, but ive been really really busy! graduation is coming up and at first i was so happy to leave my pathetic little school, but now im kinda sad. Im never gonna see half of these people again! ill get over it tho... i hope! well.. i mite go to indiana saturday the 25 until the 27. I was suppose to go the 23, but that is the day of the awards dinner and then i was gonna go the 24 but that is the day of the dance! im gonna try and go the 25 but im not sure my mom will be up to it. i hope i go sooooooo bad!! ttyl buh-bye =)

5/7/02 @ 2:39 pm
hey every1! im kinda mad! tomorrow is the ribbons ceremony and i have no idea what i am going to wear! the social is in like 2 weeks and i still didnt get my dress! omg i suppose to go to my brothers game today, but i mite not be able to. my mom says it is really far away and shes not going and if my dad goes hes goin strait from work =/ o well i guess there will be more!

5/6/02 @10:04 pm
hey every1 just got back from my game!! We won 32-4 yippee!! =) we played archer manor! it was a lot of fun. well im really tired so ima go now! ttyl buh-bye!!

4/30/02 @ 3:29 pm
hey every1!! im so mad. Yesterday we had r 1st Clear Ridge game and we lost 15-10 o well. i gguess there will b more games. itz just the whole thing about the pitcher hitting me with the pitch and me having a huge bruise on my leg. It hurts sooooooooooooo bad. i kno that shes #14 so when i see i, i will get revenge!!

4/24/02 @ 8:36 pm
hey every1! omg im sooo sorry i havent updated the site in 4eva! ive been grounded, which really really sucked!! well the worst part about it was that it was during the week when it was really nice out! o well. my bro is still goin on my sn sayin it is me... ima kill him! my CYO team beat st. mary's 3-1! i struck out and walked. Jenell threatened to kill me after gym, but that really doesnt bother me much, cuz i dont care anymore. Life is pretty good. i cant believe missy doesnt like **** anymore. basicly every1 mnos what the *'s stand for. LoL well i gotta go now. I wont be in school tomorrow! buh-bye

4/12/02 @ 9:34 pm
hey every1!! guess what- i found out that my bro has been goin on my old sn and sayin he was me!! hes such a "bitch-hole"!! o well ill just kick the shit outa him lata! i was so pissed off today bcuz i was out in the alley playin bball with some people and all of a sudden my mom comes out and was like "guess what... u have to babysit!" then she said she wouldnt b long and that i could go out when she got back, but she didnt ge back til 9 (which was long) and then my dad said i couldnt go out!! i hate him!! but for the better news...Missy got her stitches out!!! yay!!

4/11/02 @ 5:18 pm
hey people! sorry i havent been on in such a long time, but softball practice started and im on CYO and Clear Ridge, so i dont have a lot of time anymore! im gettin ready to go to cipriani's with some people, ill try and come on later!! ttyl buh-bye =)

4/06/02 @ 5:24 pm
hey every1! I just got back from softball practice and im soooo sore!! yesterday was the spring dance! it was okay... kinda boring. We went to vince's for pizza afterwards :as usual: well ima go ttyl buh-bye =)

4/04/02 @ 3:53 pm
hey every1!! whatz new?? i had school today.. which sux! im so tired and my mom's been bitchin at me bcuz supposively i dont do enough work around the house.. so i have 2 stay in all day and clean... this isnt fair!!

4/03/02 @ 1:19 pm
hey every1, i was playin basketball yesterday in my alley with some people and i hurt my knee.=( now for the good news... i got my cartilage pierced!! im so happy! surprisingly, it didn't hurt at all. well ima go buh-bye=)

4/02/02 @ 12:42 am
hey every1. i was thinkin about what i was doin this week, when i realized i have shcool thurday and friday. that sux! home come we're like the only school that never gets long vacations anymore? my comp froze again today. I am gettin sick of it! well im out buh-bye =)

4/01/02 @ 9:06 am
hey every1 omg im so excited! ive been workin on this site for so long now and finally im ALMOST done. This is takin forever and i have no more patience! I had it all finished and then my computer froze and i lost EVERYTHING! i was sooooo mad! o well- i guess things happen for a reason! well, ima go now cuz i still have a lot 2 do on this ttyl lyl buh-bye =)

this is my site, made on april 1, 2002! it is mostly a blog site about me =)



Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Time: 11:57 am
Wearin: wutever u want me 2 be wearin
Eatin: nuttin
Drinkin: propel (lemon...yay!)
Feelin: im feeling...realli realli crazi... just like on the phone wit dave yesterday!!!
Talkin: Dan, Aaron, Davez Away Message, Izzo, n Kim
Surfin: ***MiniClip

Listenin: "In Luv Wit Chu" Da Brat

Click for Chicago, Illinois Forecast

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wut u wanna write-(smiliez)

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*** content
*** mail
*** gbook
*** horoscopez

*** Missy
*** Jen
*** Jaime
*** Catherine
*** Marisa
*** Joey
*** Dave
*** Brandon

Thug Luv
By: Bone Thugz N Harmony feat. 2pac

Nigga we doin this shyt from Cleveland to LA
nigga wuteva u niggaz want we bringin it
Thug Luv nigga wut time is it yo
I dont give a fuk where u lay @
itz time 2 slay these bitch made niggaz

[Bizzy-overlapping Pac]
Pac Pac run wit us run wit us run wit us
Pac Pac run wit us Pac and RIP wit Thug Luv

they aint even knowin wut type of niggaz we iz
where my thugz @ Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
I kno u niggaz been waitin 4 this shit 4 a long time
well here it is nigga here it iz wut u gone do wit it

[Bizzy] Well I must b close to the Armageddon lord u kno
That I wont fly that lesson u taught me 2 pull out my wesson u brought
N am I stressin it softly get em up off me cuz all
We wanted wuz harmony been bombin em yell up outta my ghetto
I want settle get on my level they cant
Stop me or drop me nigga they got me fuk naw
Little Pac get schizophrenic n manage 2 damage all yall
Ill talk about em n u dont reali want it
Cuz theyre cornered n I want em to jump up
Id rather say that we came 2 shut em all down
So quick 2 test bullet yes declare war
Roll n Ill blo wen I get tha gun 4 tha murder mo horror
4 wut tha did it all pause 4 tha cuz n I
Fin 2 pull a 9 or pistol lil nigga wit mine fuk dem niggaz itz on
All yall fall Bizzy gettin bitchez test me bless tha floor
In ne attempt 2 arrest me stress me lord
Lookin @ death wit the last of my breath
Follow follow my kidz but dont sin in my stepz
Yet tha weapon iz kept wit tha best of my secretz
Deep in tha leavez Im alone nigga believe
That I can c it if needed n if u reali want me in
Well let it b n get tha greenz n b runnnin up ova cleveland

Hahaha wutz poppin nigga
put ur motherfuckin hand on ur strap nigga
Thug Luv nigga we can do this like gangstaz
n slug it out or b like punkz n punk it out
pull ur strap on me nigga n u betta kill b thug life babi

Ill probabli b punished 4 hard livin blind 2 tha factz
Thugz iz convictz in godz prison hand on tha strap
Prayin 2 father pleez 4giv me police b rushin wen they c me
I flaunted Americaz most wanted live on TV life
Pleasure n pain stuck in this game holla my name
We all gone die we bleed thru similar veinz
Youz explain 2 me now dont panic wen my gun burst
Heard tha last jam nigga this onez worse
My nigga bone held the chrome til I came home
Thug Luv playaz tell these bitch niggaz bring it on
I caught a plane out 2 Cleveland late last evenin
To help my niggaz clean up sum niggaz no longer breathin now
Who u believe in hit tha weed n breathe itz a
Cold ass tha world them niggaz kill u in ur sleep
Until they stop me bury murder me or drop me
I got Thug Luv 4 my nationwide posse feel me

Lil thug frum tha land nigga neva ran
Motherfuckerz out 2 get me they dont understand
Itz tha #1 nigga out wit a nation of niggaz
Down 2 put in sum work do sum dirt
Fuckin round wit tha band Bone Thugz N Harmony
Follow down tha road we stroll 2 meet karma
Everythin I do it seem 2 cuz drama
Readi 4 tha war like a knight in my armor bomb ya
So quick 2 test us nigga wanna crash me eat dust
4 tha love of tha lust niggaz bustin on us
Hit em up wit he buck 12 gauge erupt itz tha Art Of War
Puttin niggaz on tha floor
wen Im cumin thru tha door bringin nuttin but terror
Causing much 2 tha nigga that dared us
tryin 2 put a twist in this thugsta
era Paired up wit a nigga like Pac
n a nigga like me gotta stay high
Thug Luv til i die keep my prayer 2 tha sky
but Im still in tha hood smoke n fry
So I beg tha lord 2 save us all escaperz of misery
Bless my niggaz in penitentiariez soldierz of tha century

Here 2 get it told my niggaz 2 get tha hell down
Down wit tha dirt n we dont fuk around
Buck a couple of roundz n if ur passin thru then hit tha ground
N dont get caught up in tha crossfire nigga
Artillery thick n u dont want 2 get 2 fuckin wit this
Im straight devil devil not a punk n pretend
I reload buck a lil more flee tha scene
4 tha po-po even kno wut u lookin 4
They dont kno a motherfucker wit a leatherface hey
Man she said I ran this way said I ran that way
U hoez'll neva kno bcuz I got away yea
A criminal mind a nigga on tha level sometimez
so get high n analyze ur crime
Directli organized wit resultz ull b surprised
[Wish] O nigga can u feel tha vibe we can ride playa hatin niggaz u gotz 2 die
Itz ova wit Bone betta leav it alone Mo Thug Im crackin fuckin domez
Still in tha hood where tha thugz play fuckin wit nuttin but thugz man
Aint takin no shortz or no lossez we crackin them domez around my way
Give it 2 em on anotha level nigga
get a shovel u can dig a hole bitchez iz dead
Infrared 2 tha head u can beg but still gone bleed bloody red
Fuk wit mine will b c in tha moonlight
cuz we out ridin lookin 4 u
Betta run 4 cover nigga duk we bout 2 bust
Straight got tha Infrared put it on his forehead make sum movez
Send flowerz straight 2 his home
put a card in tha motherfucker send it 2 his mama
Tell her he wuz dead wrong dead wrong gone now he long gone
Pac Pac run wit us run wit us run wit us
Pac Pac run wit us Pac and RIP wit Thug Luv

my version of ryan!
my version of brandon!