"An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it."


Description: There are several varieties of feverfew which can grow from 9 inches to 2 feet in height. The plant has pungent, grey-green leaves that are either deeply cut in a feathery look, or with scalloped edges. The flowers are a small, white flower with daisy-like yellow centers.

History: Feverfew has been used as far back as the ancients Greeks. It was listed in their medical literature as remedy for headaches, menstrual discomfort, inflammation, and the reduction of fever. In the 1600's, it was again used for general aches and pains, and was targeted as being most useful for women. In the 1700's, it remained the leading use for headaches, and for rheumatic aches and pains. It was used in the 1800's for hysteria, and became known as an antidote for overdoses of opium.

Parts used: Leaves and flowers, but sometimes the stems and roots, although they have a substantially lesser amount of the pain-killing ingredient: Parthenolide.

Usages: Feverfew is used to relieve migrane headaches, but most recomend taking the leaves or teas on a daily basis for maximum effectivness. The tea is used to relieve headaches, and minor aches and pains. A tincture is used to relieve the pain of bugbites, and the leaves tend to repulse insects in the garden and home. The tea is also useful if suffering from menstrual cramping, but take care due to the laxitive nature, and please don't use if expecting a child.

Growing your own: Feverfew is best if grown from seeds. It thrives in poor well-draining soils. Plant by just pressing the seeds into the soil without covering them; they need sunlight to germinate. This plant needs full sunlight, as it is prone to mildew in the shads. The plant can be grown from cutting, just be sure to root them in the eary summer.

Magickal properties: Feverfew seems most used for protection. Sachets and pouches are recomended to ward off everything from minor accidents to insects. The leaves are mostly used for magickal teas and I found one for magickal sinus soup.

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Feverfew Recipes

WARNING: Chewing feverfew leaves has been known to cause mouth ulcers and sores in a small group of people, and is a laxative. Also, if pregenant, do not use due to feverfews tendancy to stimulate the uterus. I am not a doctor and I do not prescribe herbs for medicinal usage. If you are sick, CONSULT A DOCTOR!

So far, the only recipes for feverfew is using the leaves as a tea. Some people chew the leaves, but I do not recomend this if you are not absoulutly certain the plant is feverfew!

I will post recipes as I come across them, but in the meantime...there just aren't any.

Sources Used:

Garden Guides



((CLUE!!)) I hear that when this Witch speaks, she uses mushrooms as a reference point.

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