Questing Spirit: My Short Stories

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.
Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost."
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

My Short Stories

Welcome! Besides being a Witch, I happen to have quite the passion for writing. Below are some stories I am either writing or in the process of writing. Right now I have my first Neopet series going. To save on space, these pages have no embellishments or fancy backgrounds. In fact, it is more like reading a book on the web. I have so many ideas running through my head at once that some days I feel like my heads going to explode. The end result is I start multiple stories at once and work on them together. Who would'a thunk??

These are the adventures of my four pets. Ashtah is the oldest and the strongest. Dral is headstrong and opinionated while Ginger is fairly laid back and mellow. Emerald is the newest member of the family, adventurous and reckless. Enjoy!

Neopets! In case you are wondering, Neopets is a virtual online game. Adopt a pet, open a store and go on quests. This is the coolest thing since sliced bread!!

Neopet Story One: The Fourth Pet Arrives

Neopet Story Two: Not Just Another Rainy Day (Note: This is a definite work in progess!)

Neopet One Shot Stories:

Okay, I have discovered the Furry life. If you are looking for my furry stories, the first one is now coming online. Join in the adventures of Acorn the Squirrel and her friends. It's coming along slowly, but surely.

Beyond the Willow's Haven

These are just simple stories. Could be about anything....fantasy, magic, wizards or dragons. Some may be only one chapter, some may be several.

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