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Aphrodette's Insights
Tuesday, 1 August 2006
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Starcast!

FULL MOON – August 9, 2006 at 06:55AM EDT
This Full Moon in Aquarius has a powerful magnetic polarity as it is conjunct Neptune and in opposition to the Sun/Saturn conjunction in Leo as well! Oppositions typify opposite poles of opinion as well as ultimate compromise. Often, “agreeing to disagree” is the best one can hope for! With Saturn conjunct the Sun in Leo – we look at established protection, warmth and stability already in evidence. With the Moon and Neptune (retrograde!) in Aquarius, we see the desire to re-establish higher thought and live in a more ideal environment. To complicate matter, Jupiter in Scorpio forms a dramatic T-Square to this opposition! It will ultimately come down to resources – both human and financial – as to the path we will take or abandon to move forward in time.

NEW MOON – August 23, 2006 at 03:10PM EDT
Upon this New Moon, both of the Lights are at critical degree on the Leo/Virgo cusp and conjunct the fixed stars, Regulus and Adhafera! The Lion’s Heart and Mane are typified in this placement and attending to the loyalty and royalty in leadership is an imperative! Good fortune can accompany this conjunction if service is rendered and a utilitarian leadership accompanies the aspect. Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are still in T-square upon this lunation. Venus approaches Saturn indicating that the concepts and ideals of the archetypal feminine will be introduced into the mix of evaluating resources in this cycle. Beware false optimism and tall tales from Washington D.C.! Sagittarius is rising this New Moon on the eastern Seaboard! Question everything! Press for detail!

Uranus Retrograde Alert!
Uranus retrogrades in Pisces on June 19, 2006 at 02:31 AM EDT until November 19, 2006 at 10:57 PM EST. The nervous system in general may experience a reprieve and revelations by peering through the retrospect window can be astounding! To further complicate matters, the North Node enters Pisces the following day! This passage occurs every 18.6 years and lasts nearly a year and a half. For the collective consciousness this manifests more in the realm of how we attach ourselves to our fellow beings here on Earth. Sorrows spur compassion; miracles bring great joy. The solitary soldier pales from view.

Neptune Retrograde Alert!
Neptune retrogrades in Aquarius on May 22, 2006 until October 29, 2006. It is easy now to see futuristic concepts and philosophies evident in ancient times. We desire to bring hope forward even in the face of dynamic progress and the quickening we have been experiencing on different levels. The dance Neptune does with Jupiter in Scorpio this year calls us to go deeper and redefine true prosperity. Its confrontations with Saturn in Leo call us to a higher inspiration!

Pluto Retrograde Alert!
Pluto assumed retrograde status on the Solar Eclipse in March and will remain so until September 4, 2006. The effects of this retrograde are subtle but intense. Inner questioning about the direction your life is taking and new philosophies about what is truly empowering is seen. A mixture of bewilderment and amazement accompanies this cycle. This tiny but intense planet still hovers close to the Galactic Center. We feel small as the World around us trembles. Great change is afoot!

Chiron Retrograde Alert!
Chiron retrogrades in Aquarius on May 15, 2006 until October 12, 2006. Although Chiron has a reputation for being a planetoid all about healing, in Aquarius, its conceptual energy is equally acute. In retrospect we see our hidden motivations and elusive ambitions with greater clarity. We detach more easily in our counsel to others and to ourselves. The energies of persons and situations are easier to read now. The signs we seek are easier to view when we are not at warp speed!


Aries – At Full Moon, your ruler, Mars is in Virgo and in Opposition to Uranus! Either your work will be outrageously unpredictable or extremely exciting! The Leo Sun/Saturn conjunction complements you at this time. The authority you have established or the system you have developed with ease this cycle of change At New Moon, Mars is still in Virgo and approaching a dynamic square to Pluto in Sagittarius. A lighthearted demeanor and a good sense of humor can defuse tension both on the job and in personal relationships. Above all, maintain your integrity in all disputes. You will beam later!

Taurus – Your ruler, Venus is in Cancer at Full Moon and in trine to the North Node. Balancing work and play while drawing upon Infinite Spirit – is definitely the way to go! The physical World will please you less than personal interaction just now. At New Moon, your ruler has moved into warm, but often fiery, Leo! Protection and possession of those things or persons you love is seen. Venus is square to Jupiter in Scorpio this Full Moon and may manifest in jealous outbursts if you already have this tendency. The best balance for you is to experience a bit of freedom and adventure for yourself Grow and be!

Gemini – At Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in late Cancer and in trine to the North Node. Your inspirational thoughts will be quoted at this time! Creativity is abundant with Mercury conjunct Venus in this cycle. Love and loyalty increase your sense of security both within and without. At New Moon, your ruler is in Leo! Dramatic thoughts and self-expression will be evident as your ruler trines Pluto in Sagittarius. Allow yourself to philosophize and psychoanalyze. You will be amazed at how profound and intuitive you will be! The early parade of planets in Virgo brings details to you without effort! Enjoy!

Cancer – At Full Moon, your ruler, the Moon, is conjunct Neptune retrograde in Aquarius. Inspiration returns and your perceptions as you peer through the retrograde emotional window can be miraculous! Pensive thought and sharing feelings in established relationships is highlighted. At New Moon, the Lights are on the Leo/Virgo cusp. Practical thoughts and feelings about how you fit into the big picture emerge spontaneously. You may want to share thoughts and philosophies with kindred Spirits at this time. Taking classes and attending seminars can inwardly exciting! Seek the source!

Leo – Many Happy Solar Returns, Leo! This is your month! Your ruler, the Sun, is in Leo and conjunct Saturn at Full Moon. Stand on your heartfelt authority NOW! DO what is best for you and others without hesitation. Your ruler is in opposition to the Moon/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius. Remember to look deeply into the motives of others. Standing eye-to-eye, even in disagreement, can bring great trust. At New Moon, your ruler is barely in Virgo. Time to get down to brass tacks and deal with daily duties. Expect that you may have to vow out of some festivities. Order is paramount!

Virgo – At Full Moon, although your ruler, Mercury, is in comfortable Cancer, Mars is in Virgo and you will be working your buns off! You may be whistling while you work as others discuss policies and semantics! At New Moon, plan on working very hard at having fun! Your ruler is now in Leo and love, romance and appreciation magnify! If at all possible get out of town and travel incommunicado. Bring your closest friend or lover and have a vacation to remember! Take extra care to prepare your vehicle or confirm flight plans Small delays are seen but the glitches pale in the bright of adventure!

Libra – Your ruler, Venus, is in Cancer and kissing Mercury at Full Moon. You may find that love and its expression is a bit uncomfortable in this cycle. No amount of logic can mask your feelings. Sensitivity and compassion is seen coming in waves. At New Moon, your ruler has moved into Leo and is conjunct Saturn. Defining love and loyalty takes on more self-assured tones. Intimacy can face difficulties unless you are truly prepared to “go deep”. Former relationship shadows can be difficult to shake off with the many retrogrades. Be brave of heart and embrace love on its current merit!

Scorpio – Your rulers, respectively all month are revealed as Mars is Virgo and Pluto in Sagittarius. This conflicting inner essence will see you working very hard with great attention to detail but desiring to go faster than is possible. Pacing yourself is all important or careless mistakes may be your downfall. Jupiter in your sign will bring great opportunity for prosperity but effort will be necessary for you not to expand beyond your resources now. Your choice of team players is critical by month’s end. Separate with care singular projects and the total vision which may suffer delay until after September 4th.

Sagittarius – Your ruler, Jupiter, is now direct and in Scorpio all month! At Full Moon, your investments can pay off now and projects move ahead with the pre-meditated efficiency you have put in place. Making everyone happy at work and at play is very unlikely. Difficult decisions may need to be made alone at this time. At New Moon, expect some glitches in cooperation from others – both near and far! Policy objections and process changes may slow progress. Keep your time off sacred! To keep your sanity, spend time with loved ones. Passion and intimacy flourish in this New Moon cycle.

Capricorn – At Full Moon, your ruler, Saturn is conjunct the Sun in Leo. True love bears responsibility but can bring great rewards of the heart. This conjunction opposes the Moon/Neptune conjunction, calling you to dispel illusions and look at new possibilities in caring and sharing. At New Moon, Venus conjoins Saturn and trines the Ascendant in Sagittarius! This is an awesome time to travel WITH those you love – or to travel TO those you love! The thrill of adventure and the many plans you have can be exhausting! Be sure to pace yourself to enjoy some quiet intimate time at the end of the day!

Aquarius – At Full Moon, your ruler, Uranus, is in Pisces and in trine to Jupiter and opposing Mars! This is the perfect time to commit to working smarter and not harder! The analytical mind can become inspired to take strides forward toward the future! Much gossip and drama is seen in the workspace. Try to be the casual observer rather than moving into a counseling mode. At New Moon, have a gathering of friends to help you with a domestic project and turn it into a very festive night! Beware of sudden rain!

Pisces – Your ruler, Neptune, is conjunct this Full Moon in Aquarius and opposing Saturn all month! This amazing lunation initiates a sense of bewilderment. You may ask yourself, “Where has all the time gone?” You may also wonder how you got to where you are now positioned in your career. This is a most surreal aspect. At New Moon, you may find yourself deep in calculations regarding vacation and/or retirement. This is an excellent time to increase your nest egg or investments. Be sure to comparison shop for the greatest return on your investments. Invest more than a little time in romance as well!

Written by: Inner Mysteries Profiled
Rev. Dr. Aphrodette North

Posted by stars3/aphrodette at 8:58 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 August 2006 7:59 PM EDT
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