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My ROD page


Folk event

ROD is a danish sort of folk-gathering. It started 10 years ago, and this year we reached a 100 participants. We meet over easter, people in the age 15-25, and then are divided into groups consisting of about 8-10 people, depending on the capacity of the place, wich determined on instruments and skills to give the groups variaty. We have 2-3 instructors each teaching 2-3 melodies og songs, and then we are supposed to bring a melody/song ourselves for the group. We then decide in the group, wich melodies/songs to learn, and arrange them to then at the last evening play a big concert containing both the instructors melodies/songs and the groups own programs. The concert is for everyone with interest and usually is overrun, so that we in the end of the concert, have no place for the instruments...

But this is the essence of ROD (wich in danish translates to: root or a big mess), the mess.

Although, a little warning: It is usual to party all night and get drunk. Really drunk. This is hte reason for hte 25-year-boundary. We don't want people not being able to get up the morning, as the day starts early and the work with the music is hard.

With these informations you should be able to go to ROD without being surprised in important things. Just bring an instrument (or your voice), a sleeping bag and a tune, and you're ready for ROD2005 next easter!

Looking forward to seeing you!

My Favorite things about ROD.

My Favorite Web Sites

ROD homepage
Cool Garfield e-mail service!