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~An Eye Cry For You Page~

~By Pixie~



Thank You Mommy
Marlene Porter
January 29, 2002

Mommy when you held me in your arms that final night.
I wanted so much to be able to hug you back so tight.
When I felt your tears fall warm upon my face.
I wanted to reach out and your sadness to erase.

When I heard your sweet voice say "I love you" in my ear.
Mommy I was just so glad that you were near.
When you lightly brushed my hair with your gentle hand.
Mommy it was then that I could truly understand.

That you sure were my hero, unlike any other.
You always were to me the most loving mother.
I could hear you in the night as you quietly prayed.
You helped me Mommy to never, ever be afraid.

You told me of the angels that would come for me.
And Mommy you were right, I just wish that you could see.
That when my time to go to Heaven came I had no fear.
And as I left I touched your cheek and wiped away a tear.

I hugged you goodbye though you couldn't feel me.
Etched in my mind forever, your sweet face I will see.
Thank you Mommy, from me in Heaven up above.
Mommy, I didn't go alone, I took along your love.

: Your Angel in

Pixie's Place 2002

Marlene Fay Porter

© 2002 Marlene Porter is the author of all the original poetry on Pixie's Place Memorials 2002. These original poems are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the author's express written consent.

Midi "Candle" is used with permission/copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer