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The Breakdown On Breakups

Introducing......The EXES!!

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Welcome to my favorite page. It's the Hall of Shame, a walk down the wrong path, whatever you want to call it. Let me be frank. Breakups suck. They suck for both of the parties involved. Usually there is more pain associated with the person that gets dumped. Such as my case. So I want to dedicate this page specifically to all of you people out there in internet land who have been dumped. If you were the dumper, then I have a few words to say to you. Go back to another page, cause you're gonna get dissed up hard. So anyway, I understand what you're feeling right now. Every emotion you think is just yours, I felt it and so did the kid right down the street from you. So I am going to give you tips, advice and techniques to get you to feeling tip-top in no time. Wanna know the only thing that will fully take the pain away? And trust me, I looked for whatever this was. And no, it's not having the bitch who dumped you back. It seems like that's the answer to your problems, I know it does. You wake up in the morning and think, "If he/she would come back and say they messed up, it would be perfect. No problems. Everything would be in order in my life." I'm very sorry to inform you, but there was a reason why it ended in the first place. Whether you think it's your fault or your exes fault, the thing you have to understand is that it ENDED. It takes a long time to get that in the head, I know. Let me give you some advice on how to get moving after the awful blow.

1.) If you can possibly help it, do NOT be alone.

2.) It will probably take a few days to understand what has happened. Don't try and think about it, you are going to feel numb. Trust me, this is the very beginning of the hardest road of your life.

3.) I have read on other advice sites that you should wallow for only a week or weekend and then not talk about it. That is WRONG. Allow yourself however long you want to wallow. Let yourself be down as much as you want. If you push those feelings away, or ignore them, something is gonna happen, (ex.-you see your ex, you see something that really hits home that reminds you of your ex) and then you are going to crash again. Take it from someone who knows. This method is what I like to call the crash and burn. You put on a smile, and you think you are getting over it by ignoring it. BAD IDEA. It won't go away until you deal with this monster head-on. So sit down and face the music.

4.) Do not, and I mean do NOT attempt in any way to contact your ex. I don't care if you and your ex were best friends for 15 years. If you allow yourself to be around them again, anything they do that is nice, polite or friendly will be taken wrong. The dumper (although I hate to admit it) is in pain too, but a very different type of pain. They will feel horrible for doing this too you (or they better, cause if they don't then you have been with a "jackass"-for a better definition of one, keep reading) and they are going to be as nice as possible because they are confused and are in a weird position. If you think that if you talk to your ex, you can convince him/her that they made the biggest mistake of his or her life you are also going down the path of Wrongville. Mostly likely, they will be upset and will probably make it painfully clear that they did the right thing and then use the wonderful line of, "you'll always be my friend". So unless you are prepared to handle more salt in the wound, keep your distance. It's been 8 months for me and I still don't even approach that subject around my ex.

5.) Do not do something very damaging or cruel to your ex just yet. For one reason, they will know that you did it. Another is that you need time to think this through. It took me a good three months from a year and a half serious relationship to arrive at this stage. And that stage is the Revenge Stage. I'm actually still going through this stage. For more revenge ideas, keep checking in. I have lots.

I am still going through the break up process. I am making this site to help me along. Please feel free to email me or sign the guestbook and tell me all about your break up. And remember, you might have been left alone, but you are never alone. Thanks to your guardian angel. ^j^ Usually the ones who are here don't have wings.....In other words, your friends.
