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JoNaThAn TayLoR ThOmAs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yay! ok first of all id like to say, i love jonathan like i feel like ive known him all my life, even tho ive never met him he just appeals to me that way, . ok well this is my jonathan fan site and the above picture is my favorite picture of him cuz he is in it and i love nice tan guys in white tank tops and he is . ok well anywayz explore my site and have fun and dont forget to sign my geust book especially if ur name is jonathan taylor thomas and u used to star on a lil show called home improvement.and if u have any questions then

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Also if u have any UP TO DATE news (i.e new movie deals, girlfriends, stuff like that) then tell me and i will edit my site to be the most up to date fan site, cuz all the other fan sites that ive seen havent been updated till sometime in like '99, i dunno go figure, well anywayz if u can just UPDATE me on the news then e-mail me and ill post all this stuff up there and i will make a special thanx page and put ur name up on there if ud like me too just say the word well ex plore my site and have fun and dont forget to tell em what u think!!! ALSO if u have any info on why CELEBRITYSIGHTINGS.COM isnt working please please PLEASE tell me why cuz ive been trying to get on it but yea it wont work so just keep me posted on that

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cLiCk HeRe To CoNtAcT JoNaThAn

Created July 26 2001

  • Last Updated Auguts 2, 2001
