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Kim's Comments

Happy New Year!  No, it’s not January, but it is a new year for our chapters.  As I read through newsletters, I’m excited to see that many chapters have special meetings planned to set the goals for the coming year.  These meetings allow members to focus on what is important to them and the chapter. 

Plans that chapters are making include scheduling educational programs for the year, deciding which award they will achieve and their strategy to do so, setting a budget and making a business plan which includes marketing their chapter. 

The more chapters chart their future, the more apt they are to steer the course.  It is important that chapters look at themselves as a business.  Their customers are the members and potential members.  They need to meet the needs of their customers or the customers will go elsewhere. 

The good news is that chapters are meeting the needs of members.  This is evident by the number of business and professional programs chapters are delivering to its members.  More and more members are applying and receiving SBMEF grants and loans and the business skills grants.  

Members are achieving professional development through continuing education credits.  The number of members at the gold(50) and platinum(100) levels increase every day.  A few members have even reached the newest level: Titanium (250)!  They will be recognized at National Convention on the big stage! 

Chapters are realizing the importance of members attending spring conference and national convention.  Several chapters are providing funds to members to help with the cost.  What a great investment for the chapter.  It is a win-win situation! 

I encourage chapters to continue to meet the needs of their members.  National and your national officers are here to help in way possible.  All you have to do is ask.


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