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18 years ago I joined ABWA because my mother (Donna Lee) told me to.  Being the good daughter that I am, I did.  It is a decision I have never regretted.  ABWA has truly been a journey not a destination.

I belong to the Cass River Charter Chapter of Frankenmuth, MI.  I love my chapter and all the members hold a special place in my heart.  It is because of their support and belief in me that I aspired to do the things in ABWA that I have. I’m very blessed to have them in my life.

Throughout my ABWA career I have held every committee chair, and all offices except Treasurer. My chapter won’t let me be Treasurer.  It’s a story in itself.  If you would like to know the details, ask me about it and I’ll be happy to share the story.

ABWA has so much to offer for professional development.  I’ve completed the Membership Training and Development Certification (MTDC) and enrolled in the new MBA Essentials at spring conference.  I look forward to continuing with the classes offered at National.  My pride and joy has been my involvement in Continuing Education Credits (CEC’s).  I’m proud to carry the distinction of being among the first 6 members to achieve the Titanium Level of 250 cec’s. 

Serving as District V Vice President and National Vice President allowed me to practice my leadership skills and make connections with members across the country.

 I’m enjoying being National President to hope to continue to serve you well.  

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