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~The Moon~

~The moon is a source of natural magick and energy.....the wheel of the moons cycle is 28 and 1/2 days long~

~The waxing moon is a time for new is when the moon is getting larger in the sky and moving from the new moon to the full moon~

~The full moon is a time of love, strength and power.....when the moon has reached her full power~

~The waning moon is a time of reflection, meditation and divination.....when the moon is decreasing in size from the full moon to the new moon~

  • ~January: Month of the Cold Moon~
  • ~February: Month of the Bony Moon~
  • ~March: Month of the Windy Moon~
  • ~April: Month of the Flower Moon~
  • ~May: Month of the Planting Moon~
  • ~June: Month of the Green Corn Moon~
  • ~July: Month of the Ripe Corn Moon~
  • ~August: Month of the Fruit Moon~
  • ~September: Month of the Nut Moon~
  • ~October: Month of the Harvest Moon~
  • ~November: Month of the Trading Moon~
  • ~December :Month of the Snow Moon~

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