Below is a list of people I wanted to give thanks to. Without them, well... I guess it goes without saying. If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry and I wuv you. Beat me up later.

::Johnny:: You know why you're number one on my list. :) There's too many reasons why I have loved ya for over four years.

::Heather:: Heather, you're my sista! :D You always will be and we had some great adevtures with our characters! Long live Valky and Psyche!

::Sarah:: I just had to put thanks to you, because you had Verial and trusted me. You saw how good I rped and never fail to tell me, which I always appreciate. Thanks for giving me such a great character as Verial.

::Ryan (the cute little SYM):: Thanks for answering all my questions when I can't figure anything out! :)

::Colby:: Thanks for being my chew toy! Hahaha!