::Reid Feral::

Status:: Played Often
Species:: Neokjin
Homeland:: Unknown
Age:: 16
Height:: 6'2
Weight:: 120
Eye Color:: Gray
Hair Color:: Black and green steakes to his chin in different layers
Weapons:: His claws
Occupation:: Adventurer
Family:: None

When he was about ten Reid was going to be auctioned off because neither of his parent cared for him. In fact, when his mother was pregnant with him, she tried to lift heavy things and once stabbed herself in the stomach so he would not be born. However, he was born into their cruel arms.

He was sick alot as a child, but no one had ever taken care of him or showed him love, so he had to do many things on his own. He learned how to fight on his own to protect himself, but in secret because his parents would not have wanted him to know anything to put a struggle up against them. He also not only learned how to fight that way, but to fight the diseases in his body.

From then on out, he was used as their slave and tortured, often made fun of and mocked because he was a bit different then them. He was pale skinned and had a strange aura about him. So when it came time for him to be sold to an auction for a low amount of money, he extended his claws and killed his parents without thought or consequence.

From here on out Reid was on his own, so he tried to get better at training and worked his way up, becoming a sort of adventurer so he could protect himself. But living on his own was not so easy and he had to fight for food. It was then when he came in contact with a brothel and some nice, but slutty women took him in and told him that if he earned his keep, he would be allowed to rest here and be fed. So he did, but the only consequence was him having to earn his keep the same way they did. Although, he did not mind, and the ladies became sort of like sisters to him and teachers in a strange way, but adventuring called to him and he left, bidding farewell to them.

But before he left there, he learned quite alot of things about himself. There happened to be a nekojin woman there who taught him the art of changing into cat forms, which some nekojins cannot do. This helped him alot when he was traveling.

There also happened to be a rune caster there who told Reid how to read ancient runes and use them as a strong magic. He became very intelligent and learned the ancient language of the runes quickly and the secrets of sending them out as magic forms.

He remembered all of this as he was traveling through great lands which he never thought he would see as a child. He was on his own and happy now, nothing stopping him from seeing all of the world, but he missed the girls who all liked him and he seems to have no one left to talk to anymore.

He soon journeyed to a place called Cloudless Plains, a nice little island, where he was offereed a place to stay and rest, soon meeting another fellow nekojin and his best friend, Kohei.