::Karis Shade::

Status:: Not played
Species:: Nekojin
Homeland:: Unknown
Age:: 18
Height:: 5'8
Weight:: 112
Eye Color:: Gray
Hair Color:: Black, shoulder length
Weapons:: Her claws
Occupation:: None
Family:: None

In a land where no one remembers, a realm where no one wanted to be, many people struggled to make a living. Lots of people made a living through their own hands and hard work, selling what they could from what they made. But, the land was corrupted by an unknown darkness.

The land was fought over by magic and ruling. Those who needed to live still used the lowest forms of occupation to live. In this realm, there was an inventor who mad wealth by buying into slavery. The inventor made humans, robots to sell into slavery. In a sense, these beings were made as robots, but they had everything a living person should have. Blood, a mind, but they lacked feelings or emotions. He wanted them only to think of their jobs as slave so his dealers would not get angry. Soon, however, he became so wealthy that theft was attracted to him as well. He soon decided to make his own slave. With that, he decided to make a being fast and agile.

He had read in a book before of creatures half cat and half human. So, therefore, he set out to make a creature such as this. He took the blood of every species of cat imaginable and the blood of a human. With that, he began to work on his creation.

When he was done, he called her Karis Shade. She fought for what ever command he gave her, because like the other slaves, she had a small amount of emotions as well.

The darkening of the realm grew to an end and the inventor decided to leave through a teleportation device. When the clocked ticked down to its last breath on the land, the inventor and Karis left for a new place, called Tyran.

However, along the way, the teleportation crashed and when Karis awoke, she was all alone in an unfamilar region named Tyran. She was unaware of where her master went, so sought out to find others like her. Through all the places she went to, she found that all these people where different like her. Within time as well, she discovered one new feeling. Confusion. She started to wonder if she was living.

As Karis journey through the new land, she hardly found any one like her. She also realized that in this land, she has to protect herself as well. However, here she found her gift of magic and her ability to shift into and cat form.

Her destination led her to the castle of Lord Drachen and Lady F-Vamp. It was here that she found her new destiny to protect people again as a royal gaurd. Though she keeps to herself, Karis will always be having a never ending battle with herself. Struggling to cope with her feelings and emotion and a new found fear that the inventor might still be around looking for her to take over again.