
Status:: Not Played
Species:: Nekojin
Homeland:: Unknown
Age:: 18
Height:: 5'5
Weight:: 115
Eye Color:: Purple
Hair Color:: Blue and black, different lengths
Weapons:: Ring Blades
Occupation:: Leader of The Runics
Family:: Cross (brother)


In a lost realm, there was fighting among every corner of the land and no one could remember the actual reason for the warring nations. However, there was one place that was hidden in the mist. It was located in the middle of dense and thick forest land, around mountains where no one could find it. People were lucky enough if they could ever get past the waterfall entrance in to this temple.

The temple was protected by many magic spells set up by nine different mages of nine different powers each. The place was so guarded because it was an ancient ruin turned into a sanctuary where priestesses and priests learned magic and a belief in a god that was said to be all powerful. This god was said to be forgiving if people believed in him and if a person died believing in the god, they would go to a heaven more glorious then any ever imagined. This god was perfect and made a perfect world beyond anyone's reach. Such was written in the ruins, the Ruins of Glavir, where those priests and priestesses were struggling to unveil a dangerous secret.

Many priests and priestesses would be sent out to turn people over to their religion and believe in what they did. Strangely enough, a priestess or priest who went out to the people asked for a part of their soul. They said that if they wanted to believe in this god, that a piece of the person's life essence was needed to bind their heart with that of the god's. Many people gave in so easily, because it was good to have assurance with something to believe in, somewhere they knew they were going to go after death. Besides, the priestesses and priests had such an odd pull and magnetism about them.

People were allowed to believe in the god but were never allowed to go into the Temple of Glavir to pray or seek worship. No one ever dared follow them back to the temple either, so no one ever knew what went on in there. No one, until one day when one of the worst wars broke out. The war was against many different races and their fighting had brought them miles away from the temple, although no one ever knew they were that close.

In the midst of this fighting, the near by village of cat like people where hurt in the process and the village was torched. Many cat people died because they did not know of the war coming and were not prepared. Actually all of them died, save six. A woman and her two children fled the village, directed to do so by her husband, and took her twins, a girl and a boy, who were only babies at the time, running into the forest as quick as she could allow herself. She was trying to flee the people chasing them. However, she got only so far when he pursuers found her, but before they could catch her children, she hid them behind the waterfall, the entrance to the Temple. Thereafter, she was killed and the war ended with no winner or loser.

The young twins had been outside for a while crying as hard as they could when a priest who was about to go on a mission heard them. He found them and brought them back into the temple where they were going to grow up. They were never given a name, because no one ever had a name in the temple. Many priests and priestesses taught them what to do and how to do things around there. They taught them about the god and what he meant, that he was everything in this world, and they children believed it, for a while that is, until they were fourteen, when curiosity almost killed the cats.

The girl was about to become a priestess and the boy still studying hard, but underneath their exterior, they were both adventurous. Many times they said they were going out to study about the god, only to go on adventures to find treasure and ancient relics. One day, they decided to discover what the other priestesses and priests were hiding from them the whole time. So, they ventured secretly into the dark hallways, hiding in the shadows, until they got to the deepest part where the big secret was hidden. No one was around at the time, so they were able to walk around and check things out. The girl, who had studied the other language that was written in ancient scrolls, found secret papers about a weapon in the ruins. A weapon that would end the war and leave those behind the waterfall the only ones living. They would use the weapon by extracting pieces of people's souls from them and putting it into the weapon. It was then that it dawned on them that there was no such thing as this god they were told to believe in. It bothered them deeply however, that the plan was destroy everything else. The twins had always wanted, in truth, to see the world and other people, to find out about their origins.

Then, that night, the High Priest came to their room and said they were to be executed for trespassing into sacred grounds. The twins were led away into a cell close to the weapon. Somehow, they managed to escape, but the boy stopped his sister and said that even if they got out of them temple, they would be killed eventually by the weapon because they would no longer be in the temple. It was then that both of them decided to destroy the weapon for good, and they did. Part of the temple collapsed just after they escaped, killing a large number of the priests and priestesses, but not all of them. The weapon was completely gone and the shield that had been placed over the temple was now gone as well. However, a group of them were sent out to find the twins and get revenge.

The twin's first stop was the cat village, and as you remember all of the cat people were killed in the battle, except six of them. The twins met the three remaining cat people who had known their mother and father and told them all about them and the twins told them all about themselves. The cat people were very generous and nice and even told them their names that their parents had given them. The girl was named Gabrielle and the boy was named Cross. The twins stayed there for a while and the cat people taught them how to be warriors as well and not just mages. Gabrielle and Cross where very happy, but when they turned sixteen, they decided it was time to leave, because they had been there long enough and there was a good chance the priestesses and priests were still alive.

So, they bid farewell to the cat people and left towards the edge of the shore where finally after two years, the group of priests and priestesses found them and outnumbered them. It seemed the end for the twins, until a ship docked at the shore and fought against the group, leaving only two priests and priestess left to run for their lives. The twins wanted to be grateful, but the ship was run by pirates who took them captive and made them their slaves.

The girl was turned into a personal slave for the men and the boy worked hard day after day on the deck as they sailed the endless seas, journeying to far off lands and seeking treasures. However, the twins hardly saw each other. Then one night, when Gabrielle was sleeping she had a dream about a creature called the "Aura". This Aura had told her that she was something called a Runic and the first one born, since she was born before her brother. Throughout her dream, the Aura told her about what the Runics were. The Aura also told her that the reason why the priests and priestesses had been trying so hard for the weapon was to destroy the birthing of Runics. The Aura told her not to give up and that she and her brother had to get away so they could find other Runics like them to save the world and restore its life.

When she awoke, there were rings hanging above on the ceiling and she took two of them down. It was then that every night she took a rock and sharpened the edges of these iron rings making them into blades. It took her a while since the rocks in her cabin where not very sharp. She finally got them done when she turned eighteen. The Aura had visited her many other times in her dreams and even taught her to unlock her secret magics of the element of stars. She was able to learn many things and even open her gift of seeing and psychic ability.

Now, with her weapons, the next pirates who came for her, she fought through them and defeated them, her soul purpose was to find Cross. She got very far and she finally found her brother who she hadn't seen in two years. She freed him and they decided that together they could defeat the pirates.

They got to the captain's cabin where him and a couple remaining people were. The twins asked them to surrender and they did. The captain just laughed though and told them that they could have the ship. He was actually looking for a replacement and said that he had seen that the twins were the two strongest people of the ship. The twins were a little confused about that captain's way of testing strength, but nevertheless, the fearless captain pirate set out in a small row boat in the morning, leaving the twins the ship and the few left over crew members.

The twins were very good at being captains on the ship, but one day, their ship was surprised attacked by a sea dragon and capsized. The only thing left of the ship were splinters of wood. Gabrielle landed on a shore in an unknown land, but her brother, who she had struggled so hard to get back, was now gone again and missing. She set out trying to pull herself together, because not only did she have to look for the Runics, she had to find her brother again as well. Venturing onto this unexplored land that she had never been on, she found herself face to face with a place called the "Crimson Blades Inn" and many more adventured ahead of her...