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Have visited since 5/17/01.

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Thursday, May 16, 2002: I am seeing Episode II today so it is very exciting. I am also of course going to Busch Gardens tomorrow (I never knew they spelt "Busch" with a c). Also, tomorrow, there is something happening here that I think is exciting, and a lot of people won't realize it until I say. Oh boy oh boy.

Monday, May 13, 2002: It has been a while since I have updated the old site-a-roony, but all waits must eventually come to an end, unless they involve the sequence of letters "TDIR". Anyways, here is a recap of the most recent things that have been happening. Freshman year is almost over and my classes are doing splendidly. I have TV Productions, Biology Honors, Geometry Honors, and Band. "Sadly" Vitaliy could only join me in one of these classes, which is Biology, with Mrs. Harvey, the greatest teacher ever. I am going to try and get back into the habit of updating my site so come back frequently. I am going to write some new stories, and just update everything. It will be jovial fun, and something important is going to happen on Friday. See you then or before. Toodles.

Saturday November 24, 2001: Ok, one small, yet important update. I added a quick links side navigator and there is a site you probably won't recognize. It is Gsusnme's(the guy who did the skins for TDIR) site. Go there. More to come...

Tuesday November 21, 2001: JEBUS! It has been a while since I updated so I will try to get back into the.....thing of... uh... things. I edited my guestbook a little bit and I fixed a few errors. Go find the other things. Toodley Doo.

Friday September 7, 2001: Well folks, I have begun extensive research on a new subject that I find to be fasinating. Accident Prevention is the subject and I love it so much, I am even creating a subsection for it. Well, until the day when the section is released, I have created a new story entitled,"Vitaliy's Day With Korn," and it will contain a sound byte from unamed sources. Finally, I changed the site colors to a more variant form. Enjoy amigos.

Tuesday August 28, 2k1: I, Jesse, have finally came to being and assimilated my first accomplishments. Look at my story in The Story Section. And I updated my information in the Info On the Guys Section. May you have fun reading it and... please stay tuned for updates.

Tuesday August 21, 2k1: Today my friends, I have a very good update. Something you can actually hear! Vitaliy's manly cry and my monster truck madness ad! Check em out in the new section!

Friday August 10, 2k1: Well, today I probably wont do anything but who knows. Maybe I will make a new section or something, but I dont know. I might write a new Story. Who knows. Toodly doo!

Tuesday August 7, 2k1: Ho ho ho... (this ones for you Jim) Finally got around to updating the old site-a-roony. This is a big update. The story has become a new and improved section called Stories. Now, for your reading pleasure, I have Vitaliy's life story. So, enjoy. AKIRA!

Wednesday June 6, 2k1: Welp. I added a new section to the site called "important information". It has very cool things on it. Like facts about people. Important numbers... And other things. As the cool kids say " C-Ya"

Tuesday May 22, 2k1: Today......... well. I guess I did something. I will see later. I think I have some fans from 4.0 now. That is neat. I am their fan so it is only fair that they are mine. Check out the progress of the mod here. Toodles.

Monday May 21, 2001: I got a new layout today. It took me forever to make, but here it is. I will be uploading a new sound of Vitaliy soon enough. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! I also made the story section and the about section. Site is coming along nicely methinks.

Friday May 18, 2001: Today, I stayed at home because my class went on the field trip to Islands of Adventure. If I wasnt over the absence limit of 15 days, I would so be hangin with my man. I wonder what he is doing right now..................

Thursday May 17, 2001: The site opened today, and what a great day to open it. I am excited to be apart of anything Vitaliy. He said hi to me today..... I could've just died*_*.

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