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Living Within Your Means
Teacher Page

A WebQuest for 9th-12th Grade (Mathematics, Language Arts)

Designed by

Kristin King

Introduction | Learners | Standards | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Student Page


This lesson was developed in an effort to show students that there is much more to living on their own than just moving out. 

Students will be introduced to job applications, resumes, interviews, apartment hunting, budgeting and other skills that will help them become successful in life management.  We need to  educate students by giving the necessary life skills to help them be successful.


This lesson is anchored in 9th - 12th grade math and involves language arts, and economics to a lesser extent. This lesson could be tailored to lower grades by adapting the tasks for that age.

Students will need basic skills in math: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, understanding of percentages, and ability to reason. Skills in reading, writing, composition, and clarity. 

Curriculum Standards

Sunshine State Standards

Mathematics Standards Addressed

  • The student understands the different ways numbers are represented and used in the real world. (MA.A.1.4)
  • The student uses statistical methods to make inferences and valid arguments about real-world situations (MA.E.3.4)
  • Solves mulit-step real-world problems involving fractions, decimals, and integers using appropriate methods of computation, such as mental computation, paper and pencil, and calculator. (MA.A.3.4)
  • The student understands and uses the tools of data analysis for managing information (MA.E.1.4)

Language Arts Standards Addressed

  • Student writes to communicate ideas and information effectively  (LA.B.2.4)
  • Student uses speaking strategies effectively. (LA.C.3.4)
  • Student understands the power of language. (LA.D.2.4)
  • Student uses viewing strategies effectively. (LA.C.2.4)
  • Selects and uses a variety of electronic media, such as the Internet, information services, and desktop publishing software programs, to create, revise, retrieve, and verify information. (LA.B.2.4)
  • Selects and uses appropriate listening strategies according to the intended purpose, such as solving problems, interpreting and evaluating the techniques and intent of a presentation, and taking action in career-related situations. (LA.A.2.4)
This lesson encourages learning in a variety of content, not just within traditional subject areas.  Critical thinking, creative production, creative problem-solving, comparison-
contrast, compromise, observation and categorization are all key concepts in this exercise. The goal is to get students to think and plan out important decisions that could affect their lives for years to come. To give them a glimpse into this work-a-day world   will give them a head start in life.


The student  must choose a job that is within his/her qualifications.  Apartment and transportation  must be within their working budget.  This means that the budget must be realistic, income must be greater than or equal to expenses, never the reverse! Use the spending guidelines below to help balance their budget.

  • Find a Job - has to be within your qualifications
  • Find transportation 
  • Find a place to live
  • Create a balanced budget 
  • Find checking account 
  • Decide if you will further your education 
  • Make note of your resources on the Web
  • Email me with your balanced budget proposal

The lesson is broken into steps, finding employment, housing, transportation, banking, and budgeting.  All steps inter link and rely on the next to be fulfilled. 

This lesson will clearly involve more than one class.  This is a interdisciplinary assignment that should span over two to three weeks of 55 minute class periods. It requires the students to think critically and logically to get to the end result.  All findings must be realistic.

Students can divide into cooperative groups for certain tasks, like finding information on the Internet or helping each other figure out how to fill out a job application and resume correctly.  Job hunting and other tasks, however, should be done independently to better prepare the student for real-life situations (They are not going to be able to take their friend on a job interview, so they need to get accustomed to doing things on their own now).

This lesson involves finding out what type of job the student is qualified for (or will be qualified for) within realistic terms.  If the student doesn't plan on going to college there is no way that it would be realistic to state that they would be a doctor and acquire that type of lifestyle right now. Keep in mind that this lifestyle requires many years of education, if they choose that path they need to figure the cost of  education into their budget.

Novice teachers and skilled teachers alike are qualified to teach this lesson, as we  have all at some time in our lives experienced these situations.   Role playing could be useful here.  Teachers could take the position of interviewer for employment, or bank official for a lending institution.  Our goal is to expose real-life circumstances to our students. 


If time permits, the teachers could carry this a step farther and allow the students the opportunity to go through an actual job interview depending on their age.  The student could bring their expertise into the classroom and tutor the other students on what it was like to go through the interview process (how to dress, proper posture, voice). 
Video taping could also be utilized for role playing. Students could act out interviews, depending on if  they are job or housing related.
Another lesson to add here might involve instruction on cooking and laundry activities.
In addition, skills at the grocery store would be  practical here, meal planning.

Resources Needed

  • Calculator
  • Newspaper, apartment guides, phone book
  • Internet access and email accounts for all students
  • Links to job sites and utility company, etc.
  • Desktop publishing software, Word or Works, etc.
  • Video camera (optional)

Jobs online
What are you worth
Personal budgeting
Budget Tips
Resume Tips
Checkbook Downloads
Online Banking
Anatomy of a check

Job Interview Script
Sample Job Application
Family Budget Template

One teacher should be able to implement this lesson without any problems.  If any parents or aides are available to offer advice or expertise they are always truly welcome.  This would be a great time to bring in parents for career day activities. You could implement a field trip to local business establishments and apartment complexes to give the students an idea of what they can expect in these situations. If field trips are not feasible, a scheduled visit into the classroom with a possible slide presentation might be appropriate. This lesson could be taken a step farther and teach them how to manage credit properly, possibly a visit from a bank official would be encouraged here.


The student's progress will be determined upon their ability to carry out the tasks above successfully and realistically.  Their ability to function in the "real world" will be assessed by the depth of their  results in their budget.  The object is to be as real to life as possible, where they can actually use this plan later in life if they choose.  Below is a copy of the evaluation on the  student's page.








Ability to fill out a job application with all necessary information and find employment
Student has an application but it's still on the desk.
Student has read and filled out the application correctly
Student has filled out application correctly and returned it to the employer (teacher) with resume attached.
You have been interviewed and hired for a job within your qualifications.
Ability to find a place to live within your budget


You have decided on suitable places to live within your budget.
You have searched the Internet for suitable places to live in the community within your budget.
You have found your dream apartment that's within your budget and you're ready to move in. 
You have rented your apartment and  balanced your budget well enough with  money left over for utilities and food.


Ability to find transportation within  your means


You have consulted the newspaper or internet for transportation that fits your budget.
You have searched the Internet for suitable transportation within your budget.
You have located  transportation that is within your budget and you're ready to purchase it.
You have reliable transportation to get to and from work within your budget.
Ability to create and use a balanced budget
You have constructed a graph or plan for your budget that is realistic.
You have prepared a budget using your projected income from your new job.
You have prepared a realistic budget with information that includes your income and expenses in detail.
You have created a budget plan that allows you to live within your means and have money available for savings.
Ability to write checks for bills and balance a check book correctly
You are able to write a check correctly.
You are able to write a check and keep good records of transactions.
You are able to manage your checkbook receipts and keep a positive balance in your account at all times.
You are able to do the things in the last two columns plus read and interpret your bank statement and balance the checking account at the end of the month.


Your students will have a grasp of real-life situations when this project is finished. Keeping with the Sunshine State Standards we will make sure each student acquires the skills they need and learn to use them with practical application.  This lesson will have a ripple-effect on many other facets of the student's life. It will instruct them how to proceed with situations that might have been too confusing to handle prior to the assignment. 

Credits & References - Hurwitz, Jane.  High performance through effective budgeting, 1st ed.   Pub. New York : Rosen Pub. Group, 1996 

webquest/taskonomy   - clip art & information
Sunshine State Standards
Online Banking

Thanks go out to all the Internet resources  that made the research and completition of this project possible.  I also want to recognize my children, Stuart, Amanda and Amber, for giving me the inspiration and urgency to compile this information in an effort to help all children succeed in life-skills.

Last updated on February 05, 2001. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page