Common Room

[written on 7 Dec. 00]
After introducing Redonna to your fellow thieves, you enter a large room with them on your heels, peering about excitedly.

"This room should be the common room," states Red. She points at the far wall. "See? A fireplace used to be there. We need to steal the materials to rebuild it."

"Just plain stone, eh?" says Gart, a man you've known since you were very young. "I know where there's some at. Won't be a problem to pick the load up. The stones are supposed to be for a new house for the gov'nor, but I never liked him anyway..." He trails off with a wicked grin.

"Good!" says Red. "You and Wasd and Polly go pick up the stones and bring them back here. You've still got enough night time left, don't you?"

Polly, a girl in her early teens, looks out the stained window to her right and says, "Zere iz eenough light left, I zink." Her accent is thick from growing up in the western cities. "We vill haf eenough zime." She, Gart and Wasd leave the building silently.

"Ok, next we need to clean up this mess on the floor," Red says. "Also, we need someone to scout the rest of the building. Yorlanda, do that for me, please. The rest of us will begin carting all this junk out of here."

Everyone nods and bends to pick up the clutter on the floor, while the older woman named Yorlanda exits the room.

To the Library
To the Main Room
