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From The Pilot

Maria: The guy with the gun was kind of a muscular Bevis, ya know, and the other was a beefy Butthead
Deputy: I am going to need a better description than that, I assume that the weren't actually cartoons.

Liz: What are you?
Max: Well, I am not from around here.
Liz: Where are you from?
Max: (points up)
Liz: Up north?
Max: (Points higher)
Liz: You're not alien. Are you?
Max: Well, I prefer the term, "Not of this earth." Sorry, not a good time to joke.

Max: I can imagine how you must feel right now, I thought about telling you a thousand times.
Liz: You have, me?
Max: ( Snickers )
Liz: What?
Max: Sorry, I just keep picturing you in that dress with the cupcakes on it.
Liz: What?
Max: Forget it, it was a long time ago
Liz: Oh my Gawd, yeah, thats right, I can't believe I actually wore that thing, I-- I had that dress in kindergarden, I didnt know you until the 3rd grade. Can you read my mind or somthing
Max: I don't read minds, when I healed you, I made this connection, and I got the rush of images, and a picture of that dress flashed into my mind, and I knew how you felt about it.
Liz: How did I feel about it?
Max: It was the single supreme embarresment of your life.

Liz: Who else knows?
Max: No one
Liz: What about your parents?
Max: We don't tell anyone. We sort of think our lives depend on it.
Liz: So when you healed me, you risked all of this getting out, didn't you?
Max: Yes
Liz: Why?
Max: It was you.

Liz: Oh my gawd, Maria, thats them! Cut a U-ie!
Maria: Cut a U-ie? Who are you? I mean--
Liz: ( grabs a hold of the steering wheel and turned it for her)
Maria: You are a crazy person!
Liz: Maria, I am not,just... catch them!
Maria: Catch them? Liz, we are in a Jetta!

Max: It's not safe, I mean, for you and me to...It's not safe.
Liz: I don't care.
Max: Liz, I really, really wish this could be somthing, more, but it can't, we are just...
Liz: ...different.

Liz: It's September 24th, I am Liz Parker, and 5 days ago I died, but then this really amazing thing happened. I came to life.

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