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This is exactly the email I sent back... with minor editing of course. :)
And yes, it is rather old you will notice... but it's the most interesting of all the surveys I answered... having nothing to do with the survey and everything with my answers. :-)

Copy entire e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that you will send.

Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to people YOU know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you.
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about your friends.
Remember to send yours back to the person who sent it to you.

1. What time is it? 8:46pm but why do u want to know? Ooops now its 8:47... 8:47:30... 8:47:55... 8:48pm!!!
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: if u don't know too bad! nah U really no need to know but... its Donna. (I no like my name... if u haven't yet guessed.)
3. Nick Name: on the net its Tayla... u can guess what thats from. In the real world its....
Super Girl!!!
The worlds in peril Mr. President? Super Girl to the rescue!
No, I do not live in a padded room. I live in a castle that floats in the sky...
Yes I do!!! U just can't see it cause its shielded so nyah! *sticks tongue out*
I'm able to hook up to the net by remote access... and I'm very rich!
Yeah right... in my dreams! (the rich thing)
4. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?: um... I can't remember... its been sooo long.... uhhhh... lets just say 8, ok? I think that was my last b-day party but I can't be sure. Oh, and they were trick candles too, and it burnt down our house. :( Thats when we moved to the palace in the sky! :-D
5. Date that you regularly blow them out: candles? ummm... everytime I light one. Oh wait, ur talkin birthday candles? Oh, that would be.... ten years ago.
U want the date? so sorry, I can't remember my birthdate. I mean... I was being born!!! I didn't know what day it was!!!
6. Pets: a cat named Cally. Can u guess what she is? She's a calico. Really origninal name, yea?
Oh, she's super cat, btw. She has the cape and everything. She can talk, too!
Oh and never play poker with her, I'm warning u, she cheats.
7. Height: 5' 1 & 1/4"
8. Eye color: my moms eyes are blue, my dads eyes are blue, my granny's eyes are blue, my grandma's eyes are.... brooown... ah well the pattern had to break sometime. So guess. Anyone rememeber recessive chart from biology?
9. Hair Color: a sorta dark blonde... but it changes a lot. Not chemically helped, I assure u!!! summer sun makes it blonder and winter darkness darkens it to a light brown. *shrugs* so it depends on when u look on it. also whether I'm in the sunshine or not.
10. Piercing: I'm a pretty tame person... I have one in my noooooosssssseeee
Ah! My nose! It just grew longer, can u believe it? Whadid I say?
11. Tattoos: Oh I got one back in the sixties when I was with the Black Panthers. Its this really cool pouncing black panther. I haven't gotten another one since. Of course I died there somewhere... I'm not too clear about the date... then I was reincarnated into my super-self u know and love today. :)
And if you'll buy that I'll throw the golden gate in free.
12. How much do you love your job?: My job? Oh I love my job!!!! oh no, wait... that was my past life... oh u mean the saving the world gig? Oh, its ok for now... I'm thinking about becoming a lawyer in my next life. It'd be good to persecute ppl instead of being all nicey nice and saving them for a change.
13. Birthplace: I was born on Atlantis.... no no that was my first life.... Mysts of Avalon?? No.... Ummmm... Texas! Thats it! yeah, I live in Texas in an Enchanted Forest. No wait... that was when I was a Navajo Indian... I was born in Fort Worth.
14. Hometown: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
15. Current Residence: Palace in the Sky, I call it Utopia but u can call it Dream Land. Oh, anyone know the way to Never Never Land?
16. Had the drink Calypso Breeze?: No, sadly us superheroes aren't allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage at any time. It's in our super hero power agreement with the All Powerful Creator of Super heroes. Want me to hook u up with him? I could get u in and the referral would be great for me...
17. Been in love before? Nope, us superheroes live lonely lifes. Super Man didn't u say? Well he was a cartoon!
18. Been to Africa? Yep, loved it. Of course it was a fly-by...
19. Been Drunk? **see Answer to Question 16**
20. Been toilet-papered? How would ppl get up to my house to toilet paper it??? I tell ya there is some definite advantages... No tricker treaters, no prowlers... except for the bad guys some times... but they're easy to defeat... usually.
21. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? **see answer to Q 17**
22. Been in a car crash? Ummm... I've saved someone from a car crash, does that count?
23. Croutons or Bacon Bits: well bacon's from a pig... and croutons are a sorta bready substance... yea? Neither. I don't eat salad.
24. 2 doors or 4 doors (on a car): I don't use a car... When u can fly, what's the use???
25. Sprite or 7 Up: sprite, it has more lime.
26. Coffee or Coffee Ice Cream: coffee??? uck! Neither, thank you!!! give me cookies and cream any day over coffee!!!
27. Salad Dressing: ummm... why do I have to keep saying this??? **see answer to Q 23**
28. Color of socks: I'm wearing black slip ons... if theres an emergency I slip on my super hero shoes along with costume... and they're blue along with blue socks.
29. Lucky Number: 3
30. Why? 3 is a mystical number and ur friend.
31. Place to be kissed: **see answer to Q 17**
32. Movies: The Matrix, definitely!!!!
33. Quote from a movie: hmmmm.... **thinks** I don't know about from a movie but here's one of my fave quotes:

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world,
for I would ride with you upon the wind
and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

Good, yea?
Here's another good one:
The man who has no imagination has no wings.
-Muhammad Ali
34. Favorite Holiday: Christmas cause of the presents... but any day u get off of school is good.
35. Favorite Foods: Pizza, hamburgers, fries... I have to wonder how I keep my super figure!!!
36. Favorite Day of the Week: Ummm... Any day where I don't have to do anything.
37. Favorite Song at the Moment: Kiss the Rain by Billie Myers *shrugs* don't ask me... that song just picks me up for some odd, twisted reason.
38. TV Shows: Oh God... that would be a total paragraph... Ok, my faves...
Saturday Morning Cartoons, Charmed, Buffy, Voyager *sobs* Oh God its the last season for Voyager!!! *sobs again*, Xena.... and I still don't know about the new ones coming out this fall. Plus some may slip my mind at this time...
39. Toothpaste: Crest - Total &/or Minty Fresh
40. Restaurant: Chilis is good... Jackin Box, too... Wendys, too... I'm a regular fast food junkie but once in awhile I do eat good... Luby's.
41. Flower: well my fave scent is Calgon's Lucious Lilac (which I still can't find all alone in a big bottle. :o( )
42. Least Favorite Subject: MATH: the bane of my existance.
43. Alcoholic Drink: ME NO DRINK! OK???
44. Sports to Watch: ummm... gymnastics and ice skating... although the thinness of those little girls disgusts me... they are pretty to watch, tho.
45. Type of Ice: u mean crushed vs. cubed? whatever will get my drink colder fastest
46. Zoo Exhibit: Monkey exhibit... I think I saw u there yesterday, Sauny. U were the ginger colored one, yea? ;)
47. Sesame Street Character: I never watched Sesame Street... I had a deprived childhood, ok??? No, actually I did watch it... I have no faves tho.
48. Disney/Warner Bros.: Tweety... I love the way he/she talks and the mystery of its gender. But then again I like Sylvester and the Road Runner too.... I always feel so sorry for them... trying their hardest and never getting anywhere...Hey Sauny, thought ur fave would definitely have been Jessica Rabbit ;-D
49. When was your last hospital visit? ummmm.... around a year ago.
50. Favorite Drink? White Grape Peach, it has a great peachy flavor I love :o)
51. What color is your bedroom carpet? Why do u ppl always assume I have carpet???
52. What was the name of your childhood blanket? weirdos
53. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or Drivers License test? never took it... I fly, remember???
54. What do you think of Ouija boards? fake, just a way to cheat us into paying the makers money.
55. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? still living in that palace in the sky... with my mom. Oh HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
56. Who was the last person that you got mail from before this one? uhhhh.... it was probably one of those junk mail things... Don't u hate those?
57. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? HELLO??? I'm a super hero, here!!!
58. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card? A single one??? U mean I have to limit myself!!! I would max it out at a book store, a puter store, a clothing store, and anywhere else I want to, so there!!!
59. What do you do most often when you are bored? What do u think??? What are u doing right now??? Take a wild guess....
60. Who is the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you? One of those crazy ppl I know in England... either Sauny The Insane, a super hero who confuses his opponents with his insane gibberish, or Super, a fellow super hero who comes from somewhere outside of our galaxy and has some pretty cool powers.
61. Most annoying thing is? ummm... realizing its 10pm and that you still haven't written that report yet... no wait, thats the most frightening... oh wait, thats falling off a really really tall building, like 2 stories... annoying? I have no idea but u might find this lengthy email annoying...
62. Best thing: sense of achievement when I make a good grade... although just passing is nice, too.
63. Bedtime on a normal day: oh, 12 to 1am... I'm trying to go to bed early these days with school and all...
64. Who will respond to this the fastest? well since Sauny sent this... I'd say Jen. No, she's not a super hero. She's too cool to wear the tights.
65. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Sauny bc he doesn't have to. 2nd runner up: ummm... Siobhan cause she doesn't have time to, just like me (we go to college together)... which is why I'm replying to this survey Sauny sent me almost a month after he sent it to me.
66. What time is it now? 10:08pm. No, I'm not going to do the seconds thing again... although time is slipping by and I really do have to get to that report... Oh wait!!! This is the end!!!! *rejoices* Oh wait... stalling time is over... :( damn. Well time to get to that report... *sobs* oh and it only took an hour and 25 min to think up all of this crazy stuff!!!! go imagination go!!!
*sigh* time to go now...

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