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Attitude Adjustment

Just before Thanksgiving, a guy named David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot was fully grown, with a bad attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was an expletive.
Those that weren’t expletives were, to say the least, rude. David tried hard to change the bird’s attitude and was constantly conversing with him with polite words, playing soft music (Johann Strauss and Bach), anything he could think of to try and set a good example for his new pet.

However, nothing worked.

He began yelling at the bird and the bird yelled back. He shook the bird and the bird became more rude and offensive.
Finally, in a moment of desperation, anger, and disgust, David threw the bird into the freezer. For a moment or two he heard the bird squawk, scratch, kick and scream.

Then suddenly, there was silence.

Not a sound for a few minutes. David listened, and then slowly opened the door, fearing that he may have harmed his new pet. The parrot calmly stepped out onto David’s extended arm and said, "I believe I have offended you, sir, with my rude language, demeanor, and actions. From now on, I promise, with all my heart, I will endeavor at once to correct my behavior. I am truly sorry for my past attitude and most humbly beg your forgiveness, and from this day forthwith, you may consider me to be your humble servant and most loyal friend."

David was astonished at the bird’s monumental change and was about to ask what had made such a dramatic alteration in attitude when the bird unpretentiously continued, "and may I ask, kind sir, just what did the frozen turkey do?"

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