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     Cally? Oh, Cally's my baby. Her full name is Calico... not very original, I admit... but I had a hard time naming her. The story of how I got her doesn't take place in a store or pet shelter. You see, around my house a lot of stray cats drift from house to house, eating food from whoever will feed them. There are always many strays, mostly because of a neighbor of mine whose cats are always having kittens. More sad than the fact they won't get their cats fixed, is what they do when there are too many cats. The father gathers up some of them and takes them out to the country. Humans can be so cruel. Ok, I better get off of this subject, it's one of my pet peeves.

     Anyway, Cally came to our door looking for food but she didn't look like a regular stray. She looked cared for and fed, and I thought she was darling right away. So I invited her inside... and wonders of wonders, she came! She walks nervously into our house and we fed her. She's stayed of her own free will. We let her outside the house and she comes back because she wants to. Sadly, I think her first owner abused her because if I make a loud noise, yell or sing loudly, and sometimes just try and pet her, she'll flinch. It's like she's expecting me to hit her. It's so sad... makes me sad and mad at the same time. Mad at whoever treated her like that. She's a beautiful cat; I'll post some pictures below. They're not the best pics, because I'm not the best photographer. They're the best I have taken lately, though.

Cally, tayla's cat
Personally, I like this one best. It brings out her coloration nicely.

Cally, tayla's cat
You can see her face better in this one, however.