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this site has been retired as the main home page of Victoria's frivolities.
I am sorry to say that it has been over three years since it has been updated; and a year since I even went by the name 'Tori'.
life has changed more than imaginable, for all this and more it is time to let this relm go.
frozen now in time as it will be till AngelFire decieds to drop it.

Please feel free to snoop around these newly labeled archives and see where I have been...
... and the beginings of where I am going.
~Blessings of Oneness~

Be wary all ye who enter, Amazons are on the prowl

Blessings upon all who enter and welcome to my world. This is a place where warriors of old lay down their arms and sing of battles, lost and won. A place where friendship is sacred and love can be forever. Where Angels hardly ever come in white, and the not so average Punk finds a strange sense of peace among these fantasies of both dark and bright. Welcome to my garden.

Victoria's most recent random foods for thought:
*....We are never what we appear at first to be....*
*...Live in the now, because this moment is all you posess; love it well...*
*....the world as we know it and the answers we seek in life are hardly ever black and white....*
*...Courage is the willingness to be afraid and act anyways,
Wisdom's when you realize how much is left to learn...*
*...Learn never to expect things from people that you wouldn't expect from yourself...*
*...Everything happends for a reason...*

Todays news:
there's a new Photo album
for all though of you who have
been bitching for me to put
up some new photos of myslef.
* click *
hope you enjoy the brief update.
-The Management

Take a breath and walk in my wake...
sites for the open minded
(let me know if they're not up)
Last updated: 5.17.03


Thoughts from my quiet space
writting, ranting, poetry & photography

Old Photo Albums:
my friends and lovers of heart and mind.

my open diary
because writting is my sanity.

Random quote(s)...

********Web Sites from friends and family.********

Realms of Mage Lore, the world of Jariah Talieasin Whitacre
a new addition to my life, bringing with him light, life and color into my gray world.
Walking always with the same stride.
Nancy(/amazon sister/ sexy pagan chicka)'s open diary.
her poetry, dayly drama and ramblings that bring a smile to my face.
*Ashley (Blue-Pixie)*Sorren (Mint-Pixie)*
Two wonderful women who inspire and delight

the Evil Mistress Mana, (Amanda)
this link is currently down because someone forgot to send me her new home page address...
well we know who's truely loved in this family.*hrumph*


^^^^^^^Random web pages for randomly weird people^^^^^^^

a small page dedicated to my household in the SCA
This is my family.

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)
a great group of people in which I find my second home.
These are my people.

fabulous little strip which reminds me a little too closely of my life. *giggle*

home of the mad Wasabi the Pimp Ninja,
and provider of firther proof that the devil kicks A$$!

So you've decieded to be EVIL.
(A site not of my own, but one which is very dear to me none the less; good for laughs)


Can I get that signature in blood, please.
(The last guest book took a dive and is long gone.
Please feel free to sing this one. It has a few improvements)

View The New Scroll
Sign The Bloody Thing

Speak Your Truth.


A homeground dedicated to the fight for religious freedom.
Ride with Honor.